10 Charities that Help Seniors

As people get older, they may need more help to live independently and peacefully. Older citizens throughout the country may need housing, utility, rent, legal, or food assistance to go on with their lives during their golden years. Even though there is a whole range of benefits and services that are offered by the states, these opportunities may not be available for everyone. Thus, great numbers of charity organizations present a good deal of programs and opportunities for older individuals. Let’s look at the 10 charities that serve seniors across the country.

  1. Meals on Wheels America (MWA)

This is one of the most efficient non-profit organizations that provide free healthy and nutritious food to older people. This organization has more than 5,000 offices across the U.S.A. Particularly older residents who are not able to cook for themselves and need extra help are urged to apply with their local branch. Also, seniors who are in financial hardship and are not able to afford healthy meals are the main target of this establishment. For more information and to see the nearest office to you, please visit https://www.mealsonwheelsamerica.org/ or make a phone call at 1 888 998 6325.

  1. Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA)

The AFA has been serving older people who are suffering from Alzheimer’s or other sorts of dementia disease. It was founded in 2002 and has built hundreds of offices across the states. The AFA assists their beneficiaries with the necessary information, training for caregivers, social events, and personal health care. It can be very supportive with its support groups to participate for older people. Applicants may also benefit from millions of free memory screening. To learn more, please follow the link https://alzfdn.org/ or dial the national toll-free helpline 866 232 8484.

  1. Pets for the Elderly (PPE)

This is an innovative and motivated venture for older people who feel alone or isolated in their homes. Having good companionship is significant to maintain the well-being of older citizens. Recent studies have shown that while having a pet decreases blood pressure and cholesterol levels, it has a positive effect on people’s psychology. For instance, seniors who have a dog can feel better psychologically and physically since they need to go for a walk with their dogs. It is important to choose the right breed and size of dog for the senior’s needs and lifestyle. PFE states that having a pet and looking after it slows dementia and Alzheimer’s process. Find out the nearest pet shelter at https://petsfortheelderly.org/ give PFE call at 480 625 4679.

  1. American Association of Retired People (AARP)

AARP is one of the largest non-governmental organizations that is intended to help individuals who are 50 years of age or older. It offers a great deal of services for elder people including financial assistance, caregiving, health-related services, social activities, special needs, technological training, and more. Seniors who need any of these services can consult this organization at https://www.aarp.org/ or contact the toll-free number 1 888 687 2277.

  1. Catholic Charities of America

This is one of the most effective non-profit organizations across the country for low and moderate-income families and individuals. It aims to help everyone in need. It presents various programs for older citizens. Seniors who are in financial hardship and need affordable housing assistance, mental and physical health integrated healthcare, food assistance, or utility bills support are prioritized by this organization. Explore more opportunities through the following link https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/our-vision-and-ministry/ or by phone at 703 549 1390.

  1. Salvation Army of America

Salvation Army is one of the most functional non-profit organizations that work internationally. It has different programs and benefits throughout the states based on low and moderate-income people’s necessities. Apart from cash assistance, housing service, employment opportunities, and health care, it has several programs for older people in different cities. Read more information at https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/love-the-elderly/ or call 0800 53 00 00.

  1. Volunteers of America

This charity-based organization was founded in 1896 to offer help to low and middle-income people throughout the country. Its target groups are at-risk youth, pregnant women, homeless people, veterans, older people, and people with disabilities. Its main services are affordable and decent housing, personal care giving, behavioral and mental health support, and different social activities. The link to their official website is as follows https://www.voa.org/services-we-provide or call 703 341 5000.

  1. Dental Lifeline Network

It is a non-profit establishment that was founded in 1974 to offer free dental care services and education for people who cannot afford it. People with disabilities, persons who are 65 years of age or older, and individuals who are medically fragile are the main groups that this establishment helps. Senior residents who need dental care and are not able to afford are urged to get in touch with this charity organization. It has different educational programs and dental care services for different states. To learn the mental care benefits in your state, please follow the link https://dentallifeline.org/our-state-programs/ or make connections with 303 534 5360.

  1. iCanConnect

iCanConnect is a great opportunity for seniors who are having a significant vision or hearing loss. It is common that older people may lose their vision and hearing as time goes by. There are a number of hearing assistance for seniors to help improve their quality of life. The medical treatment can be beyond people’s expectations and it might be difficult to afford it. Hence, this organization assists its beneficiaries with free equipment and training based on their condition. Accepted candidates will be receiving computers, smartphones, tablets, braille displays, and more. Click on the link to see the application form http://www.icanconnect.org/how-to-apply or by phone at 800 825 4595.

  1. Second Wind Dreams

This is an organization that has been making people’s dreams come true since 1997. It is never too late for people to make their dreams come true. Older people who would like to have a pet, reunite their families or friends that they lost their connection with, visit another country, or learn new skills. This dream can be anything based on people’s imagination. SWD do their best to make it happen. Besides, it has services including housing support, health care assistance, legal guidance and more depending on the participants’ case. Learn more information at https://www.secondwind.org/ or give SWD a call at 678 624 0500.