Grants for Seniors in Indianapolis

Help for Seniors in Indianapolis

Many families, seniors, and young generations are attracted to the affordable living conditions and growing employment opportunities of Indianapolis. It is a very senior-friendly city with its increasing healthcare facilities and taxes are relatively low. This city is also ranked as the third best state to retire in Indiana. Even though it seems very advantageous to live in this city, some older people may have difficulties affording their living expenses. Thus, the City of Indianapolis, the federal government, and local non-governmental organizations offer a great deal of programs and benefits for senior residents.

Housing and Rent Assistance

Indianapolis Foreclosure Counseling and Home Ownership Counseling is a program that was created and has been managed by the city of Indianapolis for low and middle-income people and families. It has several branches throughout the city to offer foreclosure counseling. This program helps families who are facing foreclosure and advising them concerning mortgage assistance services and plans. Older citizens who are at risk of becoming homeless or who are already homeless are welcome to apply for this benefit. For more information, please visit state=IN or make a phone call at 1 877 438 4673.

Indianapolis Community Development Block Grants have been funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and have been led by the City of Indianapolis for low and moderate-income persons and citizens who are about to lose their homes. The main goal of this program is to reduce homelessness in the city. Senior residents who need cash support to cover their housing expenses are prioritized by this program. The length and the amount of money change based on the participants’ current economic condition and changing needs. To learn more, please go to or by phone at 317 327 5816 or 317 327 5866.

The Home Investment Partnership Program was formed and has been financed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the City of Indianapolis for low and middle-income individuals and families who are searching housing assistance. The main purpose of this program is to assist eligible people with decent, secure, and affordable housing. Older people who are having financial crises and require housing support are qualified for this benefit. Beneficiaries of this program will be receiving help for purchasing, building, or rehabilitating housing for ownership or rent. Some beneficiaries can also benefit from temporary housing until they can stand on their own feet. The link to their official website is as follows or dial 800 872 0371 or 317 489 4220.

Financial Assistance

All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly was constituted and has been subsidized by The Agency on Aging in Indianapolis for people who are 55 years of age or older and looking for cash support. Seniors who are in a financial crisis and need financial assistance to pay their medical bills, housing expenses, rents, or utility bills are urged to get in touch with this organization. Besides financial support, this program assists its recipients with comprehensive healthcare. Some of these services are hospital care, primary care, prescription drugs, nursing home care, medical specialty services, emergency health services, home care, dentistry support, nutritional counseling, social services, physical, occupational, recreational therapy, and transportation. For further information, please follow the link or call 1 800 457 4584.

Property Tax Deductions for Over 65 is a tax support program that was created by the City of Indianapolis for seniors who need a tax deduction. If you or your spouse is already receiving a reduction, you may benefit from this text support based on the value of your property. Read more information at  or call 317 327 4646.

Health Assistance

The Central Indiana Senior Fund was created by the State of Indiana and has been run by the City of Indianapolis for older individuals who need cash assistance to cover their healthcare expenses. This fund assisted hundreds of seniors with their medical bills up until today. If you need an emergency intervention or an emergency surgery and are not able to pay for it, it is better to apply as quickly as possible for this fund. Accepted seniors may also receive extra cash assistance to cover their food, utility, or transportation costs. Explore more opportunities through the following link or by phone at 317 634 2423.

The Trinity Free Clinic is a neighborhood initiative that aims to help older people who need to cover their medical expenses. It runs a service called Healthy Seniors Program. Elder people who are suffering from a disease and need medical support are eligible to apply for this benefit. You may benefit from free doctor visits, medical surgeries, or receive an award which is up to $14,800. For more information and to apply, please go to or give it a call at 317 819 0772.

Utility Bills Assistance

Covid-19 Housing and Utilities Support was founded and has been directed by the City of Indianapolis for low and moderate-income people who are affected by this pandemic. The city of Indianapolis is working with the Citizens Energy Group which is a local utility company. Seniors who lost their electric connections because of financial struggles are eligible to benefit from this utility support. Eligible seniors will be receiving monthly financial help or monthly discounts on their utility bills based on their financial status. To see more information, please follow the link all dial 317 924 3311.

Food Assistance

Indianapolis Home Delivered Meals are specifically designed for older residents who are 60 years of age or above. Senior people who need healthy and nutritious meals according to their diet and are not able to purchase them or are not in a good position to cook for themselves at home are qualified for this food assistance. Eligible seniors will be benefiting from home-delivered hot, frozen, or cold meals. For further information, please go to or contact 317 252 5558.

Indianapolis Neighborhood Meal Sites were established and have been financed by the local people for low and moderate-income individuals and families. These meal sites are all over the city for eligible residents. Nutritious and hot meals are served most of the days of the week and even on holidays. To see the closest meal site to you, please follow the link or dial 800 432 2422.