Grants for Seniors in Kansas
Help for Seniors in Kansas – 32 Assistance Programs
Kansas has breathtaking sunsets and landscapes which makes it a great state for the elderly. It is one of the most low-cost places in the Midwest considering the cost of living. Since it is a moderately tax-friendly state for older people, it might be better for them to benefit from different support options. A wide variety of programs and services can be found in Kansas that are provided by the federal government, state authorities, and local charities.
State Resources for Seniors
The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services is in charge of senior affairs in the state. The Department sponsors some programs to help seniors get a better life and take some burdens off. Links are also provided to useful resource sites where more help can be sought. In some cases, seniors can get a referral to programs run by other agencies. Apart from sponsoring programs, the Department administers several federal programs in the state, providing services through the local Area Agencies on Aging. Seniors can visit for valuable resources for their welfare.
Financial Assistance
Seniors in Kansas can get financial benefits from the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. This is a program of the Social Security Administration (SSA) that provides monthly payments to seniors over the age of 65 to help them meet their financial needs. Eligibility for assistance is determined by income and asset values. To be eligible, the asset value of the person applying should not be more than $2,000. However, this does not include essential assets like the home, a car, etc. The money gotten through the SSI program can be used to pay for food, shelter, clothing, etc. More information on the program is available at
The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) is one of the programs offered by the Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC). Seniors who are afraid to lose their homes because of financial difficulties may apply for this cash support. ESG offers shelters and financial assistance based on the financial need of the applicant. To read more, follow the link or make a phone call at 785 217 2046.
Kansas Cash Assistance is subsidized by the Kansas Department of Children and Families for low or moderate-income children and seniors. The elder residents who suffer from financial hardship may appeal for this financial support. It also presents skill improvement opportunities and employment training. For more information, visit or contact 1 888 369 4777.
Housing and Rent Assistance
Kansas Senior Care Act (SCA) Program is subsidized by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services to offer housing service for seniors. Adult people who are 60 years of age or above, residents of Kansas, and having difficulties looking after themselves are eligible for this support. It provides housekeeping, home care, and personal care services at home. The mission of this benefit is to ensure that seniors can live independently. For more information, please visit
Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) is a local establishment that presents housing support for low and moderate-income families. Its main goal is to fight against homelessness and improve affordable and safe housing for the ones in need. This corporation runs a program called Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance (KERA). KERA protects residents from eviction by paying the rents of eligible candidates for up to 12 months. To see details and apply, go to or dial 785 217 2001.
Assisted Living Facilities are housing units established by the Department of Aging and Disability Services for seniors seeking a safe and decent place to live. These facilities offer daily personal care and medical treatment in case of need. These living units take care of comprehensive personal care including clothing, bathing, hot meals, housekeeping, transportation, sports programs, social events, and educational courses. The link to their official website is as follows or call 785 296 4986.
The Kansas Homeowner Repair and Rehabilitation Program (HRR) offers to help with repairs at home for people who receive Social Security. Seniors and individuals with disabilities are priority groups. Seniors who need assistance with repairing issues at their homes can get in touch with this program. To learn more, click on the following link Read Home Repair Grants For Seniors for further resources to assist with home modifications and repairs.
Seniors who reside in Johnson County can apply for help provided through the HOME Program. Financial assistance is provided as a deferred payments loan with 0% interest rate. Every year, for 10 years, 10% of the loan is forgiven. This means that the loan does not have to be repaid. However, if the property is sold before the time elapses, the remaining part of the loan must be repaid. The aim is to help residents make modifications to their homes for health, safety and accessibility reasons. Seniors can download an application form from and find more information on the HOME program at
The Home Repair Program of Wichita also offers zero-interest, forgivable loans. These loans are provided to seniors whose income falls below 60% of the Area Median Income and whose home repair needs are within the program’s scope. A maximum loan amount of $5,000 is provided to eligible seniors and is forgiven completely after a period of 5 years, so long as the home is not sold within that period. For more information on this program and similar programs in Wichita, visit
Across the entire state, seniors can apply for the Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants program, which is also known as the Section 504 Home Repair Program. This is a program funded by the federal government to assist low-income residents. Loans of up to $40,000 are provided to low-income residents of the state to help them make essential repairs and accessibility modifications. Seniors aged 62 and older can get grants (which they do not have to repay) of up to $10,000 to rehabilitate their home. The loans and grants may be combined for a total of $50,000 to carry out very extensive repairs on the home. The loans have a 20-year term and are charged at a 1% fixed interest rate. More details on this program can be found at
Healthcare Assistance
Seniors aged 65 and above may be eligible for Medicare program. This is a federal health insurance program for the elderly which covers certain essential services. Seniors who cannot afford the Medicare premiums can get assistance through the Medicare Savings Program. Seniors can find comprehensive information on Medicare in Kansas by visiting Medicare Frequently Asked Questions page.
The JayDoc Free Clinic is staffed by physicians and medical students of the University of Kansas. The clinic provides free medical services to uninsured and underinsured seniors in the area. Elderly residents who come in can receive dental care, diabetes care, eye exams, etc. Laboratory tests are also carried out as required to facilitate treatment. More details on the services of JayDoc Free Clinic can be obtained from
The Frail Elderly (FE) HCBS Waiver Program is sponsored by the State of Kansas for seniors to live in a safe and healthy environment. Older residents who cannot take care of themselves can apply for this program. Eligible participants receive occasional nursing home care depending on the health condition of the participant. People who are residents of Kansas and at 65 years of age or older are eligible for this program. To find out more about this program, go to
Seniors can also apply for KanCare, which is the state’s version of the Medicaid program. This program allows seniors get access to affordable healthcare by providing them with low-cost insurance. KanCAre covers a wide range of medical procedures and may even cover the cost of medication for eligible seniors. Information on KanCare can be gotten from
Kansas Medicaid was formed and has been funded by the federal authorities to help with the medical necessities of children, pregnant women, people with disabilities, and older people. Qualified participants can have long-term nursing care at home and consult about their health conditions. Applicants may also receive cash support for their drug bills.
Eligibility Requirements
- You must be a resident of Kansas.
- You must be in need of health support.
- You must prove your financial hardship.
- You must be 65 years old or above.
To learn more, please visit or dial 1 800 792 4884.
Help with Dental Care
Oral Health Kansas is a community organization that aims to improve the oral health of the residents. Seniors who need dental care can apply for this organization. Apart from dental treatment support, it offers education and webinars to increase public awareness regarding dental treatment. To apply, please go to or call 785 233 5564. For additional resources on free and inexpensive dental treatment and oral health services, read Dental Grants in Kansas.
The Dental Lifeline Network provides free and discounted dental care for seniors in Kansas. This is done through their flagship program, Donated Dental Services (DDS). This is program where a network of dentists volunteers their time and services to attend to the needs of the uninsured and underinsured. Seniors in Kansas can use this program to get free comprehensive dental care services. Due to the nature of the services and the possibility of having wait times, emergency services are not provided. However, seniors can get cleanings, crowns, extractions, etc. done by DDS. Services are open to those over the age of 65. For more information, visit
Apart from the Dental Lifeline Network, seniors can get dental care from several dental clinics in the state. Some of these clinics offer free care, while others charge a fee on a sliding scale. This means that the amount to be paid is determined by the income level of the person who receives the care. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment maintains a directory of these dental clinics at
Utility Bills Assistance
Kansas Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is sponsored by the federal government for low and moderate-income individuals to help with utility bills. Seniors are one of the priority groups for this program. Eligible seniors may get cash support one-time a year. People who are about to lose their utility connections can also receive emergency financial support. For more information, visit or by phone at 1 888 369 4777.
Kansas Gift of Warmth assists low-income individuals who require help with heating and utility bills. The Salvation Army Kansas, Atmos Energy Customers, Kansas Gas Service, and Western Missouri Division came together for this benefit. Seniors can receive cash support to pay their utility bills or receive a discount. Find out more at
The Salvation Army has several utility assistance programs open to seniors who are customers of different energy vendors. The Share the Warmth program caters to customers of Kansas Gas Service who have income below 200% of the poverty guidelines. Sharing the Warmth serves Atmos Energy customers, while HeatShare serves the customers of Black Hills Energy and Butler Rural Electric. These programs help seniors get financial assistance for their bills and give referral to other funding sources when necessary. Further details on the programs can be obtained from
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Food Assistance
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program provides food benefits to help low-income seniors in the state get access to good food. Beneficiaries of the program receive a special Kansas Benefit card. This is used like a regular debit card to purchase food items from grocery stores. The card may only be used to pay for approved food items. Seniors may also be able to use their Benefit card to buy fresh fruits and vegetables from some farmers’ markets in Kansas. For more details on the program, visit
Seniors over the age of 60 with income below 130% of the federal poverty level can receive nutritional assistance from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). This program provides monthly food packages to supplement the diets seniors in the state and help them get proper nutrition. The food packages contain various food items including cereal, meat, vegetables, rice, cheese, milk, etc. These items are not meant to be the main food source but rather a supporting source of nutrients for healthy living. Seniors can find more information on this program at If you want to ascertain whether your household is below the poverty line, you can use the Federal Poverty Level calculator.
The Congregate Meals program provides nutritious food items to seniors in Kansas. These meals are provided in a group setting at locations such as senior centers. The congregate setting allows seniors to get healthy meals and socialize as well. The meals are planned by dieticians who ensure that all required nutrients are present in the food, helping seniors to live a healthy life.
For seniors who are homebound can get Home-Delivered Meals. Similar to the Congregate Meals program, nutritious food is prepared for the seniors. However, in this case the meals are delivered to the homes of the seniors. This ensures that those who are unable to get out of their homes still have access to hot and healthy meals. The volunteers who deliver these meals also perform wellness checks and report if any assistance is needed. For more details on the Congregate Meals and Home-Delivered Meals programs, visit
The Kansas Food Stamp Program is also known as the Kansas Food Assistance Program operates for low and moderate-income individuals who cannot afford to buy food or are not able to cook at home. Seniors who are having challenges cooking at home are eligible for this food support. Eligible applicants can also receive an EBT card that is accepted in the grocery stores which are located within the borders of Kansas. Eligible candidates receive a different amount of monthly cash support on their cards based on their total household income and where they live. To learn more, go to or dial the hotline at 888 369 4777.
The Kansas Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (KSFMNP) was formed and has been led by the Department of Health and Environment. Its mission is to support low-income seniors by providing fresh fruits, vegetables, and nutritious food once a year. For further information or call 866 632 9992.
Transportation Assistance
The Catch-a-Ride (CaR) initiative is a social service program that helps seniors get transportations to medical appointments, social service agencies and food pantries. Transportation is provided by volunteers and is available within Johnson County. Seniors who are aged 60 and above can complete an application form and then place ride requests once accepted into the program. The application can be completed at While riders are encouraged to make a donation, service would not be refused to those who are unable to pay. More information on that program can be gotten from
Sedgwick County Transportation provides accessible and affordable transportation options for seniors. Non-emergency transportation is available to seniors to help them get around to places like hospitals, grocery stores, senior centers, etc. Rides can be scheduled from Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 4:30pm. The application form to join the program can be obtained from For more information on the program, visit
The Kansas Department of Transportation has several programs that it sponsors to ensure that affordable transportation arrangements are available for seniors in the state. Several of these arrangements also make provision for seniors with reduced mobility and those who would require wheelchairs. Useful links can be found at
Kansas Rural Transit Assistance Program (RTAP) is run by the University of Kansas to provide affordable and accessible transportation for seniors who live in rural areas. The overall goal of the program is to improve the mobility of rural Kansans and this is done by making convenient transportations available, while training operators on how to deliver the best service and assistance to seniors. More details on RTAP and associated publications are available at
Charities and Organizations
Catholic Charities in Kansas helps seniors by giving them different forms of support. Financial assistance if available for seniors who need to buy food and medicine, or pay rent and utility bills. Free housing is also provided for homeless seniors to help them get settled in a comfortable home environment. The organization has several food pantries that cater to the feeding needs of residents, while also administering different food programs. Seniors in an urgent situation can get emergency financial assistance to help settle necessary bills. Seniors can visit for more information on the activities of Catholic Charities in the state.
The DearNeighbor Ministries is a faith-based charity organization that tries to help challenged seniors in Kansas. Assistance can be provided in form of financial aid to help those who are homeless or on the brink of homelessness. Seniors can get food delivered to their homes through a special arrangement known as The Lord’s Diner food truck. For those who are able to leave their homes, food pantries are available for food pickup. Welfare checks are also carried to ensure that proper health is maintained. Further details on DearNeighbor Ministries can be found at
Assistance for Senior Veterans
The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) helps low-income and/or senior veterans get access to affordable accommodation to prevent homelessness. Stable housing options are provided and support is given to help make payments for rent, utilities and other costs associated with getting settled into the home. Support services are provided for veterans whose income is below 50% of the Area Median Income. Mediation is also offered, helping veterans come up with more favorable terms for payment with their landlords. The SSVF program in Kansas is provided by the Salvation Army. To contact any of the SSVF offices in Kansas, visit
Veterans Homes are available for veterans who require supportive care in their day-to-day lives. These homes provide veterans with a room over their heads, food, laundry services, medical care, etc. Libraries, recreation centers and special care units are also available in these homes. Admission may be provided to the spouses of veterans as well. Senior veterans who wish to seek admission into a Veterans Home can visit
Apart from the Veterans Homes, there are Healthcare Centers in the state that provide special services for veterans. The centers are often used by veterans who still reside in their own home. Veterans can refill their prescriptions, schedule medical appointments, etc. at these health centers. A directory of Healthcare Centers in the state can be found at
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What financial assistance is available for seniors in Kansas? Seniors in Kansas may access financial assistance through the Kansas Senior Care Act, providing various services based on income levels, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) for help with utility bills, and the Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program for food assistance.
2. How can seniors apply for Medicaid in Kansas? Medicaid applications in Kansas can be completed online via the KanCare website or by contacting the KanCare Clearinghouse by phone or mail. Documentation needed includes proof of age, income, residency, and assets.
3. What housing and rent assistance programs are available to seniors in Kansas? The Kansas Housing Resources Corporation (KHRC) offers the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) and has resources for affordable senior housing options. Additionally, the KHRC provides weatherization services to improve energy efficiency in homes.
4. Can seniors receive help with utility bills in Kansas? Yes, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) provides financial assistance to eligible households to help manage heating and cooling expenses, ensuring that seniors can maintain comfortable living conditions.
5. How do seniors get help with prescription medications in Kansas? The Senior Care Act in Kansas offers some assistance with medication management, and the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services provides information on Medicare Part D for prescription drug coverage.
6. Are there property tax relief programs for seniors in Kansas? Kansas offers the Homestead Refund Act and the Safe Senior Property Tax Relief for qualifying seniors, providing refunds or credits on a portion of the property taxes paid on their primary residence.
7. What in-home care services are available for seniors in Kansas? The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services administers in-home care services under the Senior Care Act and the Frail Elderly Waiver, offering personal care, homemaking, and respite services to support independent living.
8. How can seniors access transportation services in Kansas? Many counties and communities in Kansas provide specialized transportation services for seniors, including reduced-fare or free rides for medical appointments and essential errands, coordinated by local Area Agencies on Aging.
9. What nutritional programs support seniors in Kansas? The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) offer nutritional assistance to eligible seniors, providing access to fresh produce and nutritious food items.
10. How can Kansas seniors receive legal assistance? Kansas Legal Services offers free or low-cost legal advice and representation to seniors on matters including healthcare, housing, consumer rights, and elder abuse.