Grants for Seniors in Michigan

Key Senior Statistics in Michigan (65 and over)
Senior Population: 1,932,225 (19.3%) Senior Population: 1,932,225 (19.3%)
Male: 45.7% Male: 45.7%
Female: 54.3% Female: 54.3%
Median Age: 73 Median Age: 73
Disability: 31.8% Disability: 31.8%
With Social Security Income: 89.6% With Social Security Income: 89.6%
With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 10.4% With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 10.4%
Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 10.6% Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 10.6%
Data Source: Data Source:
Data is taken from American Community Survey 2023. Please check our detailed page about Senior Statistics of Michigan for more data and information.

Help for Seniors in Michigan – 27 Assistance Programs

Michigan is a state full of employment and training opportunities. This state has been seen as one of the best states of all time to live in. The crime rates and housing prices are below the national level compared to other states. Michigan lives in the beauties of four seasons and presents great lake landscapes for residents. Besides these benefits, Michigan has a broad range of programs and benefits for the elderly that were created by the federal government, state authorities, and local charity organizations.

Financial Assistance

Elder Prescription Insurance Program (EPIC) was specifically created to assist older Michigan residents with their prescription drug costs. It provides yearly financial help with applicants’ medication bills. The amount of the monetary aid can differ based on the participants’ financial situation. To learn more and apply, please read at or dial 1 866 755 6479. For senior citizens who depend on prescription medication, Prescription Assistance for Seniors offers a helpful guide to the programs available to provide support specifically designed for older adults.

Michigan residents over the age of 65 can apply for State Disability Assistance (SDA). This program provides cash payments to eligible seniors who live in Michigan. Assistance is provided to help the elderly and disabled meet basic needs and pay for essential services. The amount awarded varies but is determined on a case-by-case basis. Eligibility for the program is usually based on income and asset limits. Social security benefits, veterans’ benefits, rental income, etc. are counted as part of the income for eligibility determination. Applicants must also have an asset value of not greater than $15,000; including investments, retirement plans, trusts, etc. Interested seniors can find full details of the application criteria at All payments are made through the Michigan Bridge Card which is a special debit card issued to seniors receiving benefits. Details on the use of this card can be found by visiting

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to help elderly people who are financial challenged. This program is funded by federal taxes and gives funds to assist seniors in meeting their basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. SSI is open to seniors over the age of 65, so long as they meet income restrictions and other requirements. The amount of money given to each senior varies but is usually dependent on how much income and assets the person has, against the financial needs identified. For more information, visit

Employment Assistance

Senior Community Service Employment Program is an employment assistance program specifically for people who are 55 years old or above and looking for work. This program presents various training opportunities and personal counseling for eligible candidates. Seniors who are facing financial difficulties can benefit from this service and can rejoin the workforce. Although the employment process mostly starts part-time, it can become a full-time job in the long run. Further information can be accessed by clicking on the following link or make a phone call at 1 877 872 5627. Check out our list of top part-time job opportunities for seniors to discover the options that best fit your retirement requirements.

Housing and Rent Assistance

Michigan Housing Choice Voucher Program-Section 8 was created by the federal government and managed by the Michigan State Housing Development Authority. This program offers rent assistance for low and moderate-income families. Eligible residents can choose the house, apartment, or flat they want to live in and approximately 70 percent of their rent is paid by this program. Seniors who are seeking rent support and facing financial hardship are qualified for this benefit. Michigan State Housing Development Authority has various programs for homeownership, homeless people, lenders, and rent support. For more information, please visit or dial 517 373 8370.

Samaritas is a local non-governmental organization that has been working for low and moderate-income people since 1934 in Michigan. This organization provides transitional or permanent housing for people in need. Senior citizens are one of the priority groups to get housing support. They can live in an affordable and decent house with their families. These houses have nursing services and rehabilitation therapy for seniors. To learn more and apply, please go to or make a phone call at 800 552 1183.

The Salvation Army of Michigan is a charity organization that has an open-door policy for everyone in need. Older residents who are searching for a safe place or an emergency shelter can get in touch with this organization. This organization offers temporary or permanent emergency shelters that have healthy food assistance and nursing services. For more information, please follow the link

Senior citizens can receive aid with home repair, improvement, and restoration, in addition to housing and rent assistance. To learn more, refer to Home Repair Grants for Seniors.

The State Emergency Relief (SEF) Program provides financial assistance through a variety of organizations. Emergency assistance is provided to solve various pressing needs, including making home repairs. This comes in very useful for seniors whose current home conditions pose a threat to their health and safety. Depending on the type of repairs, grants may be $1,500 or up to $4,000. Details on this program can be found at

The Single Family Home Repair Loan and Grant Program helps low-income Michigan residents who have no other way of obtaining assistance. This program provides financial aid in the form of loans to seniors under the age of 62, for the purpose of home repairs. Seniors aged 62 and above may qualify for grants under the program. Loans have a $40,000 limit and are repayable over 20 years with a fixed 1% interest rate. Seniors who receive grants can get a maximum of $10,000 and must continue to reside in the home for at least 3 years after receiving assistance. The funding is provided to help repair homes, remove health hazards, modify the homes to make them more accessible, etc. Interested seniors can visit for further information on the program.

Habitat for Humanity helps older individuals by raising funds for home repairs. These funds are usually to cover the costs of materials needed to repair the home. Labor is done by volunteers who come in to carry out light repairs with the items available. In some cases, resources and labor are provided to build a new home from scratch. The organization also has stores where seniors can come to purchase furniture and other home appliances and reduced prices. For more information on Habitat for Humanity in Michigan, visit

Healthcare Assistance

Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program was formed by the State of Michigan to provide free service and health information for seniors. Discover the different Medicaid services available for individuals aged 65 or older who are experiencing financial hardship. It also works for the caregivers and families of qualified applicants. Older people who are looking for a guidance counselor regarding their health condition can consult this program. To talk with a counselor, please follow the link or call 1 800 803 7174.

Michigan Choice Waiver Program was formed by the State of Michigan in 1992. The main aim of this program is to ensure that seniors who are in need of health assistance can be taken care of at their homes. Eligible low-income seniors can either stay at their homes by receiving nursing service or can be settled in a residential setting. Some of the benefits of this program are adult day care, health counseling, transportation support, providing necessary medical equipment and supplies. The link to their official website is as follows or call 313 446 4444.

Michigan’s PACE Program is an All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly that was designed for seniors by the state authorities. Individuals who at the age of 55 or older and in need of comprehensive healthcare support are qualified for this benefit. Participants also must meet Medicaid’s LTC qualification requirements and accept to live in one of the geographic destinations of the PACE Program. To learn more, please visit

The MI Health Link Program is an initiative that links Medicaid and Medicare resources. These two programs were independently set up and can help seniors, but with this new link, the process is made even easier. Seniors enrolled in both Medicaid and Medicare receive assistance in managing their healthcare plans, which can lead to reduced costs for them. MI Health Link allows seniors get access to low-cost medical care, provides assistance with purchasing medication and subsidizes the cost of additional care that may be required. The program is administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Resources (MDHHS) and more information can be gotten from

Holland Free Health Clinic (HFHC) is a non-profit healthcare organization that can help low-income and uninsured seniors. HFHC provides medical care and treatment to seniors for free, along with follow-up services required. Apart from providing free treatment, the clinic helps the elderly get access to medication at reduced cost. This is done to help ensure the health and wellbeing of seniors in the community. Services are available to seniors whose income falls below 200% of the federal poverty level. If you want to determine whether your household is living below the poverty level in Michigan, you can use the Federal Poverty Level Calculator. For more information, visit

The Boyne Area Free Clinic offers healthcare services to residents of Michigan who are experiencing hardship. This clinic focuses on providing dental care, eye examinations and hearing tests. Seniors can come in to get corrective procedures done for a better quality of life. Other services are also available, including laboratory tests. The clinic operates only on Fridays and as such does not provide emergency care services. Further details on the clinic can be obtained from

Other free and charitable clinics in Michigan can be located on the Free and Charitable Clinics of Michigan’s website

Help with Dental Care

Dental care is one of the biggest challenges faced by senior citizens, yet oral health is extremely important. As the importance of oral health continues to gain recognition, it is crucial for seniors to prioritize it regardless of their financial circumstances. If you are a senior in Michigan seeking dental assistance, Dental Grants is a valuable resource to learn more about available options.

Seniors in Wayne County can visit Advantage Health Centers. This is a medical organization that operates in several locations in the Detroit area. Dental services are available on site and include cleanings, crowns, oral surgery, fillings, etc. Emergency dental care is also provided by Advantage Health Centers. Operating hours are 8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. For more information, visit

Baker College of Clinton Township provides low-cost dental services to the financially challenged residents of the area. Although services are not free, the cost is much lower than the regular prices. This brings the cost down to the affordable range of low-income residents, enabling them access dental care. Details on this dental program can be found at

Cherry Health is another clinic that offers dental services. Operating from 8 locations in the state, this clinic provides a wide range of dental services, including urgent care. The staff of the clinic provide comprehensive dental care, ensuring that the best results are delivered. For more details, check

Smile Michigan hosts a repository of all free and low-cost dental clinics in the state. These are sorted by county location and can be found at

Utility Bills Assistance

Michigan State Emergency Relief (SER) was created to help low and moderate-income families with their utility bills. Senior citizens who are looking for utility assistance may apply for this service. This service covers heating, gas, and electric bills. Michigan seniors can apply for the State Emergency Relief (SER) program to get help with meeting emergency needs. The program focuses on helping low-income seniors, providing solutions for conditions that threaten their health and safety. SER is offered by the state government, in collaboration with non-profit organizations in the state. For information on the operation of the program, visit

The Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) administers programs across the state to help challenged residents make payments for their energy bills. The state requires that seniors first exhaust their chances of using the SER fund before applying for MEAP assistance. Details on the MEAP can be found at, while a list of providers can be found at

Qualified seniors may also receive a Home Heating Credit. This is a form of financial aid given to help settle heating bills in the cold winter months. To take advantage of this credit, seniors must apply latest by the 30th of September each year. The application form can be gotten from

The Heat and Utilities Program provides eligible low-income seniors with assistance for the settlement of their bills. The payments usually include enough money to settle utility bills for at least 30 days. Seniors who benefit from this program are however expected to pay a portion of the bills themselves. The minimum payment is determined by the household size. A full breakdown can be found at

Michigan Low Income Home Energy Assistance (LIHEAP) is funded by the federal authorities for people who are not able to pay their utility bills. Residents of Michigan who are looking for utility bill support are eligible for this benefit. Eligible applicants can get a monthly discount on their utility bills. To read more, please click on the link—Human-Services/LIHEAP_State_Plan_FY24.pdf or call 855 275 6424.

Food Assistance

The Home Delivered Meal Program was planned to support low and moderate-income households by the Michigan Department of Health & Human Services. The aim of this program is to make sure that every individual has access to healthy and nutritious food. Particularly people who are 60 years of age or above and are not able to cook for themselves are prioritized by this program. Further information can be accessed by clicking on the following link or dial 517 241 3740.

USDA and Food Assistance Program (FAP) was created and has been subsidized by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Nutrition Service. FAP is the state’s version of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program and provides benefits every month for use in purchasing food. Families who are going through an economic crisis and cannot afford to have healthy food are eligible for this program. Qualified seniors can have monthly food bags based on their diet or cold food. For more information, please go to or call the help center at 1 877 932 6424. Additional food programs have been established for seniors to provide them with greater ease in accessing nutritious and balanced meals.

Seniors over the age of 60 can also participate in a special component of FAP. This is the Restaurant Meal Program. Unlike FAP that requires beneficiaries to purchase approved food items from grocery stores, this program allows seniors to buy already prepared food from participating restaurants. Seniors can find more information at, as well as a list of participating restaurants at

Transportation Assistance

Hope Network provides special transport services for the elderly. The organization uses modified buses which allow accessibility for challenged passengers and wheelchair users. Rides are provided to get seniors to places of employment, medical appointments, social gatherings, etc. Door-to-door service is available as well, allowing seniors to get one-on-one assistance to their destinations. The fares vary and may be charged per ride or per month, depending on the payment program selected. The drivers have specialized training and can render services as needed. More information can be found at

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services provides Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) services to Medicaid recipients. The program pays for rides to medical appointments and doctors’ visits. Assistance is provided to help seniors get access to quality care, rather than suffering because they are unable to get to the hospital. However, emergency services are not provided. In cases of emergency, seniors are required to call the emergency number. More details on the transport arrangements are available at

Seniors can get discounted transportation services provided by the Detroit Department of Transportation. These services are available to seniors over the age of 65 who have a reduced fare card. To get this card, seniors can download and fill the application form at With this card, elderly riders can take bus trips and pay as low as 25% of the full bus fare. For more information on the reduced fare offers, visit

Other transportation options in the state can be explored using the search tool at

Charities and Organizations

Senior Neighbors is an organization with a network of volunteers that come together to provide help for elderly residents in need. Based in Kent County, this organization works towards ensuring that seniors can continue to live independent and self-sufficient lives. Home maintenance services are offered to help remediate minor issues around the home. This includes services like plumbing, carpentry, electrical repairs, etc. Seniors with limited financial resources are connected to low-cost housing options which help ease the financial burden on them and prevent homelessness. When suitable housing is located, moving services are provided to ensure that the individual settles in comfortably. Transportation services are also provided to facilitate mobility. Seniors can get free or discounted rides to various locations around the county to place like medical appointments, senior centers, grocery stores, etc. Many other services are offered by Senior Neighbors. To get a full overview, visit

Catholic Charities of Michigan is another charity that helps seniors in the state. Many services are in place to ensure that seniors can live healthy lives in a comfortable manner. Food assistance is provided via pantries, socialization is made possible by organizing various events and programs to bring seniors together. Transport assistance is offered as well to enable seniors get to medical appointments. Financial assistance may also be gotten to pay for things like rent, utilities, and other pressing needs. For more information, visit

The Salvation Army is yet another well-known charity in the state. This faith-based charity offers support to seniors facing all kinds of challenges. Seniors can get temporary accommodation, food, clothes, financial support, etc. from the Salvation Army. All this, at no cost at all. The charity also partners with the state on the provision of several state-run programs. Seniors can visit for more details.

Assistance for Senior Veterans

Veterans in Michigan can apply for financial assistance from the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund (MVTF). This fund provides aid to help veterans and their families survive urgent financial situations. The money provided is intended to be used for short-term needs and pressing issues. Senior veterans can apply from their counties. A list of the MVTF offices across the state can be found at Alternatively, a call can be placed to 1-800-MICH-VET.

Other valuable resources for veterans in the state can be found at

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What financial assistance programs are available for seniors in Michigan? Michigan offers financial assistance to seniors through programs like the Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP) for healthcare costs, the Home Heating Credit for utility bills, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for food expenses.

2. How can seniors apply for Medicaid in Michigan? Seniors can apply for Medicaid in Michigan online via the MI Bridges portal, by phone, or in person at local Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) offices. Required documentation typically includes proof of income, assets, identity, and residency.

3. What housing assistance is available for seniors in Michigan? The Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) offers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and has resources on affordable senior housing developments. The Property Tax Assistance program also provides relief for eligible senior homeowners.

4. Can seniors receive help with utility bills in Michigan? Yes, the Home Heating Credit and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provide financial assistance to seniors struggling with their heating and utility bills, ensuring they remain safe and warm.

5. How do seniors get help with prescription medications in Michigan? The Michigan Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program (MMAP) offers counseling on Medicare Part D plans and other options for prescription drug coverage, helping seniors reduce their medication expenses.

6. Are there property tax benefits for seniors in Michigan? The Michigan Homestead Property Tax Credit is available to qualifying seniors, offering a way to reduce property tax liability based on income and property taxes paid.

7. What in-home care services can seniors access in Michigan? Michigan’s Waiver for the Elderly and Disabled (MI Choice Waiver Program) provides various in-home services, including personal care, meal delivery, and emergency response systems, to support seniors living independently.

8. How can seniors access transportation services in Michigan? Many local Area Agencies on Aging in Michigan offer transportation services for seniors, providing rides to medical appointments, shopping, and other essential activities, often at reduced costs or for free.

9. What nutritional programs support seniors in Michigan? The Senior Nutrition Program in Michigan provides congregate meals at local senior centers and home-delivered meals through programs like Meals on Wheels, ensuring seniors have access to healthy food.

10. How can seniors in Michigan receive legal assistance? Legal services for seniors in Michigan are available through the Legal Hotline for Michigan Seniors, offering free advice and assistance on issues such as healthcare, housing, consumer protection, and elder abuse.