Grants for Seniors in Oregon

Help for Seniors in Oregon – 29 Assistance Programs
Oregon is one of the charming places for seniors by taking into consideration its breathtaking forests, fresh air, and glamorous beaches. Both the State of Oregon and local social organizations support artists and organize plenty of social events for people to have fun. Although Oregon has been ranked as the fifth-best state to live in by the Sharecare Well-Being Index in 2019, one of the downsize for this state is to keep in mind that almost nine months of the year is rainy. This means higher utility bills and expenses. Thus, the federal officials, the State of Oregon, and several other non-profit organizations offer a raft of programs and benefits for senior residents.
Financial Assistance
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): The purpose of TANF is to provide cash support to low-income seniors who face daily struggles to become self-sufficient. The goal of this program is to reduce the number of older adults living in poor conditions and offer them economic opportunities and community benefits to reduce dependency and promote self-sufficiency among them. Seniors can use the benefits to buy food and clothing or pay their utility bills, including rent and heating costs. Read more at
The Oregon Salvation Army is a functional non-governmental organization that has several financial assistance programs for middle and low-income persons. Seniors who require cash assistance may apply to this organization. Other than providing financial support for seniors, the Oregon Salvation Army also offers shelters, meal assistance, bill pay assistance, and even employment assistance. Explore more opportunities through the following link or dial 503 794 3282.
The Oregon Low-Income Rental Housing Assistance Program was formed and has been financed by the State of Oregon for low and middle-income people who are in need of cash assistance to pay their rents. Seniors who are having economic difficulties are encouraged to apply for this program. The amount of the money can differ based on the current financial condition of the participant. For further information, please follow the link or make connections with 503 988 3658.
Housing and Rent Assistance
Aging Americans find it challenging to find safe and affordable housing. It’s a good thing Oregon has several programs and services to help seniors suffering from homelessness, living in unstable housing conditions, or being unable to pay for their housing because of low-come.
Oregon Affordable Housing for Seniors is a special housing program that was formed and has been managed by the federal government around the country for seniors. These houses are open for people who are 62 years old or older and do not have a place to live. Those seniors who are having financial problems are eligible for this program. These houses welcome seniors whenever they are in need of housing support. There are several housing options for the elderly living in Oregon. To learn more about these houses and find out the closest one to you, go to
Oregon Community Development Corporation was created and has been run by the local people for the local people in need of help. Low and middle-income people who need housing assistance benefit from the services of this corporation. Anyone interested in finding a low-cost apartment or flat may consult this corporation. They provide reasonable, decent, and secure housing options below market rates. Since this is a very attention-getting option and there is a waiting list, interested people should apply as quickly as possible. For more information, please go to or get in touch with 503 986 2000.
Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) for Seniors in Oregon was established and has been subsidized by the federal authorities for low and moderate-income households. Elder citizens are one of the priority groups for this benefit. The main criterion for Section 8 is the financial condition of the applicant. Qualified people will receive more than 70 percent rent support based on their current income. They will be able to choose the house, flat, or apartment they want. There is a waiting period, and it is better to apply as soon as possible. To apply, please visit or call 503 986 2000.
The Oregon Elderly Rental Assistance (ERA) Program: ERA provides rental support to renters aged 58+ through tax relief. To qualify, renters’ income must be less than $10,000, use at least 20% of their earned income to pay rent, are homeless, or live in unstable housing conditions. More information is available here.
Public Housing Program: Public Housing Program is committed to helping seniors obtain safe and affordable housing. Public housing can include duplexes, high-rise departments, and single-family homes. To be eligible for the program support, the elderly must meet the low-income limits in their area (80% of median income). The local Public Housing Authorities administer the program in different areas and have all the details one may need to apply for and obtain quality housing. Find your area Public Housing Agency here.
Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly: This program is specifically designed to meet the housing needs of Oregon seniors and people living with a disability. The goal is to offer rental assistance while promoting independence among seniors finding it difficult to pay for their housing. The program extends its support to assist with daily living to older adults who may need such resources. Support services may include help with bathing, grooming, and feeding. Other services include counseling, transportation, and referrals. Older persons aged 62+ and earning 50% of the area median income or less are the ones eligible for this program support. the type of housing this program offers includes one-bedroom apartments with kitchens and bathrooms. These apartments may include grab bars, ramps, and nonskid flooring, depending on the needs of the applicant. Click here to apply.
Home Repair Grants
Owning a home is an American dream, and many people strive for it. But it comes with a lot of responsibilities, including repairs and modifications to maintain the safety and health of the residents. Fortunately, there are programs and services in Oregon to assist older adults with home repairs.
Restore Health and Safety (RHS) Program: RHS is designed to provide seniors with financial support to help repair and improve their housing conditions. The goal is to protect their health and safety and that of their loved ones. The program services include:
- Upgrades to code compliance
- Emergency repairs
- Repairs for structural integrity
- Repairs to improve accessibility, like installing grab bars for seniors living with disabilities
Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) allocates the program funds to qualified organizations to serve the interests of low-income homeowners. The applicants must provide proof of risk of living in unsafe and unhealthy homes or about to face displacement because they are not safe in their current living conditions. Visit for more details about the program.
USDA’s Section 504 Home Repair Program: This program provides home repair support to older adults through grants to help them remove health and safety hazards from their homes.  Only seniors aged 62+ are eligible for this program assistance. Applicants can receive up to a $10,000 grant and must be repaid if the elderly homeowner sells or change the ownership of the property within three years or receives financial support. visit to apply for a home repair grant.
Home Access and Repair for the Disabled and Elderly Program (HARDE): HARDE offers seniors in Washington County funds for home repairs. Applicants may qualify for grant funds of up to $8,000. Floorings and damaged foundations are some of the major causes of accidents that should be addressed to improve the safety of homeowners. The elderly persons can use the HARDE funds to enhance flooring and repair damaged foundations. Read more at
Home Access Grants and Loans: This program provides financial support to older adults in need of home modifications, such as wheelchair ramps, bathroom accessibility, kitchen accessibility, and widened doorways. The program supports seniors in Clackamas County. Through this program, seniors may also qualify for loans with 3% interest and deferred payment. Find out more at
Accessibility Improvement Program: Accessibility improvement Program offers home repair support to seniors in the City of Eugene. The program funds come from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. Older adults should use the money to make accessibility improvements and get rid of architectural barriers. Seniors can also use the money to install strobe smoke alarms. Grants and loans are each available for up to $5000. Seniors applying for grants do not have to repay them. The property must be within the city limits of Eugene. Repair support is limited to living areas only and older adults must meet the low-income limits (50% of Eugene Area Median Income). Learn more about the program at
Healthcare Assistance
Oregon Medicare for Seniors is a healthcare insurance program for persons who are 65 years old and above and people with disabilities. Seniors who need health insurance may apply for this benefit to the State of Oregon. To learn more and apply, click the link or call the toll-free number 1 800 633 4227.
Medicare Savings Programs: Medicare Savings Programs help older adults with Medicare pay for their hospital bills and other medical expenses. Eligibility requirements include meeting low-income limits and receiving Medicare Part A. Income limits change every year, depending on the national cost of living. The programs’ benefits packages are divided into three categories:
- Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB): this program pays for Medicare premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance. Seniors applying for the program assistance must have income not exceeding $1,133.
- Qualified Disabled Worker (QDW): This program supports disabled seniors with Medicare Part A plans who are not eligible for Social Security because they are working. The program pays for Medicare premiums. The income limit is $2,265
- Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary and Qualified Individual (SMB and SMF): Help older adults pay for their Medicare Part B premiums, and the income limit is $1,359.
Medicaid: Also known as the Oregon Health Plan (OHP), Medicaid helps seniors pay their medical bills and is administered by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). The Oregon Supplemental Income Program-Medical (OSIMP) is the program through which older adults receive medical care. Under this program, seniors in long-term care facilities are covered, that is healthcare costs associated with assisted living, adult foster care, and nursing home services. Medicaid Oregon also pays for non-medical services given to frail older adults living in their homes. Medicaid programs have slightly different eligibility requirements as well as benefits:
- Nursing Home Medicaid: anyone eligible for this program assistance will receive support, which is only provided in nursing homes.
- Medicaid Waivers: This program operates on a wait-list basis, and support is limited to a specific number of qualified seniors. The purpose of the program is to delay the need for older adults to join nursing homes. Qualifying adults may receive services from their homes, adult day cares, adult foster care, or assisted living facilities.
- Regular Medicaid: this program is offered to all eligible seniors. Services may include personal care assistance or long-term care support.
The Oregon Health Plan has been led by the State of Oregon for low and moderate-income Oregonians. The aim of this plan is to provide healthcare for everyone and in particular to children, single adults, seniors, and pregnant women. Older citizens who are not able to look after themselves or who need medical treatment are urged to apply for this plan. For further information, please visit or contact 503 947 2340.
As one of the most senior-friendly states in the US, matters related to dental is not taken for granted by the local organizations and charities. Read Dental Grants in Oregon for free and reduced-cost dental services for seniors.
Utility Bills Assistance
The Oregon Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program was constituted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and has been managed by the Oregon Housing and Community Services. This program aims to offer various discounts and financial assistance for low and moderate-income residents who are struggling to pay their utility bills. Beneficiaries may also be assisted with the repair of their heating system. Besides, some of the applicants may be a receiver of the Weatherization Program. Their homes can be more energy efficient. The link to their official website is as follows or make connections with 503 986 2000.
Cascade Natural Gas is a local electricity firm that offers several services for people in need throughout the state. Particularly senior citizens who are about to lose their connection from their heating or utility service are qualified for this service. This company offers Winter Utility Support and financial assistance in a year. Find out more information at or call 541 889 7651.
Oregon Lifeline: Oregon Lifeline is a state and federal-run program providing support to low-income older adults to help them pay their telephone bills. The program offers monthly discounts on phone bills (up to $15.25) and broadband bills ($19.25). Seniors residing on federally-recognized Tribal grounds may qualify for a $25 more discount per month. Visit for more information.
Affordable Connectivity Program: The purpose of this program is to help older adults pay for their telephone bills. Through the program, qualified seniors can receive up to $30 per month. Seniors earning very low income may receive up to $75 discounts. Qualified applicants may also receive discounts for both cell phones and standard lines. Find out more at
Food Assistance
Oregon Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is also known as the food stamps among residents. This food program was specifically designed to help children, single mothers, unemployed people, and seniors. Older people who need healthy food that is compatible with their health are encouraged to apply for this program. The primary aim of this federally funded program is to decrease hunger. To learn more, go to or dial the toll-free number 1 833 604 0877.
Catholic Charities Oregon is one of the most operative non-profit organizations that present a great many programs and services for low-income families. Apart from providing shelters, financial assistance, family and counseling services, Catholic Charities Oregon provides meal service for people in need. Older persons who are not able to cook for themselves and need nutritious meals may get in touch with this organization. To read more, please click the link or give a call to this number 503 231 4866.
Many assistance programs base their financial qualifying standards on federal poverty levels. Check Federal Poverty Calculator for the annual and monthly figures.
Much of Oregon’s population is concentrated in Portland City, the largest city in Oregon. It is home for more than 640,000 of which 12% are more than 65 years old. Senior citizens enjoy the scenic views and at the same time a safe and supportive living environment offered by the City of Roses. Read Grants for Seniors in Portland as it enumerates the benefits the seniors can take advantage to in this city.
Oregon Older Adult Meals Program: Also known as Meals on Wheels, the Older Adult Meals Program offers meals to seniors across the state, and anyone aged 60+ can receive food. The program does use income limits to determine those who qualify for meals.
Senior Farm Direct Nutrition Program: The purpose of this program is to offer low-income elderly people checks to enable them to purchase fresh local farm produce from the farmers’ markets participating in the service. The program only runs from June through November every year, so seniors must ensure they apply in that period. Application for this program does not interfere with other food programs, such as SNAP or Medicare benefits. The goal of this program is to enhance nutrition among seniors and support local producers. The Oregon Health Authority in partnership with the Oregon Department of Human Services runs this program. Eligibility requirements include:
- Seniors must attain the age of at least 62 by April 1 of the current year.
- Be a SNAP or Medicaid beneficiary on April 1 of the current year.
- Meet low-income limits (below 138% of the Federal Poverty Level)
- Not receiving food support in their current living situation.
Visit for more details.
Transportation Assistance for Seniors
Office of Development Disabilities Services (ODDS) – Transportation Assistance: ODDS offer transportation to older adults in Oregon under K-Plan – a Medicaid state plan option authorized under the Affordable Care Act, which allows Oregon to offer community-based services while receiving a 6% increase in federal medical assistance funds. So, under this plan, the ODDS do not offer transport assistance to seniors planning to get to their medical appointments, unless they have health insurance, whereby, the benefits will be used to cover these costs. ODDS provide Employment/Day Support Activity (DSA) transportation for seniors if they need daily living care services in the course of transportation or upon reaching their destination are receiving benefits provided by ODDS. Another type of transportation authorized under this service is Community Transportation which allows the older adults to access their local communities and meet their ADLs. Monthly transportation costs shouldn’t exceed $577.32.
Charities and Nonprofits’ Assistance for Seniors
Support Northwest Housing Alternatives Inc (NHA) works to offer housing opportunities to older adults by offering affordable housing options. Established in 1982, NHA is the leading nonprofit in Oregon offering affordable housing to older adults. Visit for more information.
Senior Citizens Council of Clackamas County Inc offers resources to homebound, frail, and geographically isolated seniors. The organizations strive to improve independence and quality of life among seniors. Learn more about the program at
Volunteers of America Oregon works to empower seniors and uplift them from their vulnerable states by promoting self-determination among them. Visit for more information.
Clackamas Service Center is dedicated to supporting homeless and low-income seniors by offering critical services, including clothing support, meals, medical assistance, and groceries. The organization only operates in Clackamas County. Visit file://localhost/url for more information.
Community Action Network comprises a network of 17 Community Action Agencies, dedicated to enhancing the lives of low-income older adults through programs and services. Find out more at
Community Action Partnership of Oregon works with Community Action to support low-income older adults by advocating for resources. Read more at
Assistance for Senior Veterans and Disabled Seniors
The General Assistance Program (GA): GA offers financial support to elderly people with severe disabilities who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. ODHS Aging and People with Disabilities, Collaborative Disability Determination Unit (CDDU) administers this program. However, the senior applicant’s age must not exceed 64, and not have a minor child living with them. Other eligibility requirements include meeting Oregon State residency, meeting the description of severe disability as detailed by the Social Security Administration (SSA), being homeless or at risk of suffering homelessness, and meeting the eligibility criteria of the SSI. Read more at
Veterans Administration Aid and Attendance Pension Program: This program provides senior veterans facilities to improve their quality of life by helping with daily tasks. Eligible senior veterans and their spouses can qualify if they need support with ADLs, including bathing, dressing, eating, transportation, and medication management. Qualified seniors can also use the benefits to settle costs associated with home care, assisted living, skilled nursing home care, or daycare facilities. Visit for more details.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What financial assistance programs are available for seniors in Oregon? Seniors in Oregon have access to the Oregon Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program, providing vouchers for fresh produce; the Oregon Energy Fund for utility bill assistance; and the Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) program for guidance on Medicare and prescription drug costs.
2. How can seniors apply for Medicaid in Oregon? Applications for Medicaid can be submitted online through the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) via the ONE portal, by mail, or at local Department of Human Services (DHS) offices. Essential documents include proof of age, income, residency, and assets.
3. What housing assistance is available for seniors in Oregon? The Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) offers the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) for rental assistance, along with information on affordable housing options for seniors. The agency also supports home repair and weatherization programs for energy efficiency and safety improvements.
4. Can seniors receive help with utility bills in Oregon? Yes, the Oregon Energy Fund provides financial assistance to seniors facing difficulties with their utility bills, ensuring they can maintain a comfortable living environment.
5. How do seniors get help with prescription medications in Oregon? The Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance (SHIBA) program offers counseling on Medicare Part D plans and other resources to help seniors manage prescription drug costs effectively.
6. Are there property tax relief programs for seniors in Oregon? The Oregon Property Tax Deferral for Disabled and Senior Citizens program allows eligible seniors to defer property taxes on their primary residence, helping to ease financial burdens.
7. What in-home care services can seniors access in Oregon? Oregon’s Aging and People with Disabilities (APD) division offers the Oregon Project Independence (OPI) and Medicaid long-term care programs, providing in-home care, personal care, and other supportive services to promote independent living.
8. How can seniors access transportation services in Oregon? Transportation services for seniors are often coordinated through local Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), offering reduced-fare or free rides for medical appointments, shopping, and social activities.
9. What nutritional programs support seniors in Oregon? The Elderly Nutrition Program, funded by the Older Americans Act, provides congregate meals at senior centers and home-delivered meals for homebound seniors, ensuring access to nutritious meals and social engagement.
10. How can seniors in Oregon receive legal assistance? Legal Aid Services of Oregon and the Oregon Law Center provide free legal support to seniors, covering issues such as healthcare, housing, consumer protection, and elder rights, ensuring their legal needs are addressed.
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