Exploring Senior Demographics of Arizona


The senior population of Arizona, as revealed by the American Community Survey Table S0103 Population 65 Years and Over in the United States Year 2022: ACS 1-Year Estimates Data Profiles, is characterized by a wealth of data that provides insights into the state’s senior demographics and their unique characteristics. With a total senior population of 1,381,954 individuals, Arizona is home to a diverse and dynamic group of older adults. This article delves into various aspects of the senior population, comparing these statistics to the national averages to highlight key differences and trends.

Sex And Age

In Arizona, the senior population is fairly evenly distributed between males and females, with 46.0% being male and 54.0% female. The median age of seniors in Arizona is 73.8, which is slightly higher than the national median age of 73.3. This suggests that Arizona has a senior population that is slightly older on average than the rest of the United States.

Race And Hispanic or Latino Origin

Arizona’s senior population is ethnically diverse, with 91.2% identifying as one race. Among the one-race seniors, 79.2% are White, while 2.6% are Black or African American, and 2.2% are American Indian and Alaska Native. This is a significant contrast to the national senior population, which comprises 75.4% White seniors, 9.2% Black or African American seniors, and 0.5% American Indian and Alaska Native seniors. Furthermore, 13.7% of Arizona’s senior population identifies as Hispanic or Latino origin, compared to the national figure of 9.1%. This highlights a more diverse ethnic composition of seniors in Arizona.


The majority of seniors in Arizona, 90.4%, are either householders or spouses. This is slightly higher than the national average of 89.6%. Only 3.8% are parents, and 2.9% are other relatives. Nonrelatives account for 2.9% of the senior population, with 1.5% being unmarried partners. Arizona’s senior households exhibit a higher prevalence of married-couple families, with 47.2%, as opposed to the national figure of 43.8%. This suggests stronger family ties among seniors in Arizona.

Households By Type

Of the total households, 56.7% in Arizona are family households, with 7.0% being female householder, no spouse present, families. These numbers are slightly higher compared to the national statistics of 54.7% and 8.2%, respectively. Nonfamily households account for 43.3%, with 39.4% being households with the householder living alone. These figures indicate a higher preference for family living among seniors in Arizona compared to the national averages.

Marital Status

Among seniors in Arizona, 59.3% are currently married, except separated, which is higher than the national rate of 56.1%. Widowed seniors account for 18.7%, while 15.7% are divorced. Only 5.2% have never married. These statistics indicate a stronger presence of married seniors in Arizona compared to the United States as a whole.

Educational Attainment

Seniors in Arizona exhibit a diverse range of educational backgrounds. A lower percentage of seniors, 9.9%, have less than a high school diploma compared to the national rate of 12.2%. Meanwhile, a higher percentage of seniors, 33.8%, have completed some college or hold an associate’s degree, compared to the national rate of 27.3%. This indicates a more educated senior population in Arizona.

Responsibility For Grandchildren Under 18 Years

In Arizona, 4.0% of seniors are living with their grandchildren under 18 years, with 1.1% being responsible for their grandchildren. These numbers are quite similar to the national rates, highlighting comparable family dynamics among seniors in Arizona and the United States as a whole.

The subsequent sections of this article will further explore and analyze the data on veterans, disability, residence history, birthplace, nativity, citizenship, language spoken at home, employment status, income, poverty, housing tenure, and selected housing characteristics for Arizona’s senior population, comparing these trends to the national averages to provide a comprehensive understanding of the state’s senior demographics.

Veteran Status

Arizona’s senior population includes a substantial number of veterans, with 17.0% of individuals aged 65 and over having served in the military. This percentage is higher than the national average of 13.8%. It suggests that Arizona has a relatively larger population of senior veterans compared to the United States.

Disability Status

In Arizona, 31.9% of the civilian noninstitutionalized senior population reports having a disability, which is slightly lower than the national average of 33.1%. This indicates that Arizona’s senior population may face fewer disabilities than the national average.

Residence 1 Year Ago

The majority of Arizona seniors, 92.0%, have stayed in the same house for the past year, which is similar to the national rate of 94.1%. However, 7.3% have moved to a different house in the United States, a higher percentage than the national figure of 5.6%. This suggests a slightly greater mobility among seniors in Arizona.

Place of Birth, Nativity, and Citizenship Status

Among Arizona seniors, 79.5% are foreign-born, with 10.9% of these individuals having entered the United States in 2010 or later. Additionally, 31.9% are not U.S. citizens. This is in contrast to the national figures, where 8.5% entered in 2010 or later, and 22.4% are not U.S. citizens. These statistics indicate that Arizona has a larger share of recently arrived and non-U.S. citizen seniors compared to the United States.

Language Spoken at Home and Ability to Speak English

Approximately 83.8% of Arizona seniors speak only English at home, which is close to the national average of 84.5%. Among the 16.2% who speak a language other than English at home, 7.5% speak English less than “very well.” This indicates a slightly higher prevalence of non-English languages spoken at home compared to the national average.

Employment Status

In Arizona, 15.6% of the civilian population aged 65 and over is in the labor force, which is lower than the national figure of 18.7%. Among these, 15.0% are employed, and 0.6% are unemployed. This suggests that a smaller percentage of Arizona’s seniors are actively participating in the labor force.

Income in the Past 12 Months

A total of 33.4% of senior households in Arizona have earnings, with mean earnings of $70,385, which is lower than the national mean of $73,402. Additionally, 89.2% receive Social Security income, with a mean of $25,604, and 5.4% receive Supplemental Security Income, with a mean of $10,672. Furthermore, 61.0% receive retirement income, with a mean of $33,399. Finally, 7.2% receive Food Stamp/SNAP benefits. These figures indicate that Arizona’s senior population may have slightly lower average earnings but slightly higher Social Security and retirement income compared to the national averages.

Poverty Status in the Past 12 Months

Arizona’s senior population is relatively economically stable, with 10.4% below 100 percent of the poverty level, 7.8% at 100 to 149 percent of the poverty level, and 81.8% at or above 150 percent of the poverty level. These figures are similar to the national statistics, suggesting comparable poverty rates among seniors.

Housing Tenure and Selected Housing Characteristics

In Arizona, 83.5% of occupied housing units are owner-occupied, with an average household size of 1.91. This is notably higher than the national rate of 78.4% of owner-occupied units and an average size of 1.95. It indicates a preference for homeownership and slightly smaller households among Arizona seniors. Among renters, 16.5% occupy housing units, with an average household size of 1.54, which is similar to the national rate. Additionally, 1.1% of households have no telephone service available, and 0.9% have 1.01 or more occupants per room.

Selected Monthly Owner Costs

Regarding housing costs, 75.6% of Arizona’s senior owner-occupied households spend less than 30 percent of their income on housing. For those who spend 30 percent or more, this figure is 24.4%. The median value of owner-occupied housing units is $371,200, and the median selected monthly owner costs with a mortgage are $1,379. For units without a mortgage, the median selected monthly owner costs are $462.

Renter-Occupied Housing Units

Among renter-occupied households, 43.2% spend less than 30 percent of their income on housing, and 56.8% spend 30 percent or more. The median gross rent for these units is $1,206.

In summary, Arizona’s senior population is characterized by unique demographics compared to the national averages. It features a slightly older age, a more diverse ethnic composition, a higher presence of veterans, a slightly lower disability rate, greater mobility, and a higher share of foreign-born and non-U.S. citizen seniors. Arizona’s seniors also exhibit more education, economic stability, and a preference for homeownership. These insights offer a comprehensive understanding of the senior population in Arizona and provide a valuable basis for further analysis and policymaking.


In conclusion, this comprehensive data from the American Community Survey Table S0103 for Arizona’s senior population offers a wealth of information that is vital for assessing and addressing the needs, challenges, and opportunities faced by seniors in the state. This data is essential for policymakers, government agencies, nonprofits, and community leaders to create programs and services that enhance the quality of life for Arizona’s older residents.

By analyzing the various factors impacting seniors, including demographics, housing, income, education, and more, Arizona can better tailor its resources to provide comprehensive and targeted support. Furthermore, comparing the state’s data to national averages allows for a deeper understanding of where Arizona stands in terms of senior demographics and well-being.

These insights can inform the development of policies, initiatives, and programs to ensure that Arizona’s senior population enjoys a high quality of life, with access to healthcare, housing, and economic opportunities that meet their unique needs. Moreover, this data can aid in fostering a strong sense of community, inclusivity, and respect for older citizens, reinforcing the state’s commitment to the well-being of its seniors.