Exploring Senior Demographics of Illinois


Illinois, the Land of Lincoln, is a state that exudes diversity and vibrancy, reflecting the rich tapestry of American culture. Amidst the bustling cities and picturesque landscapes of the Prairie State, Illinois is home to a growing population of seniors aged 65 and over. These senior citizens have contributed significantly to the state’s history and continue to shape its communities. In this article, we explore the demographic, economic, and housing characteristics of seniors in Illinois.

Population (Sex And Age, Race)

Illinois is home to a diverse senior population, with a total of 2,164,940 individuals aged 65 and over. Among these seniors, 44.3% are male, while 55.7% are female. The median age among Illinois seniors stands at 73.3 years.

In terms of racial composition, 94.6% of Illinois seniors identify as belonging to one race, with 74.7% being White, 11.3% Black or African American, 0.3% American Indian and Alaska Native, 5.0% Asian, and 3.3% falling into the category of some other race. Furthermore, 5.4% of seniors identify with two or more races. A notable 8.0% of Illinois seniors have Hispanic or Latino origin, but the majority, 73.7%, are White alone, not of Hispanic or Latino origin.


Within households in Illinois, 91.0% of seniors fall under the category of “householder or spouse.” Additionally, 3.8% identify as parents, 3.1% as other relatives, and 2.2% as nonrelatives, with 1.2% indicating that they are unmarried partners.

Households By Type

Illinois is home to 1,362,864 households, with 52.6% being family households. Among family households, 41.7% are married-couple families, while 8.4% consist of a female householder with no spouse present. Nonfamily households make up 47.4% of the total, and a significant 44.8% of households are occupied by a householder living alone.

Marital Status

Among the senior population aged 15 and over, 54.7% are currently married, except for those who are separated. Meanwhile, 22.0% are widowed, 14.2% are divorced, 1.2% are separated, and 7.9% have never married.

Educational Attainment

In the context of educational attainment, Illinois seniors aged 25 and over exhibit a diverse range of achievements. Approximately 11.8% have less than a high school diploma, 31.1% are high school graduates, GED holders, or have an alternative degree, 27.1% have completed some college or hold an associate’s degree, and 30.0% have a bachelor’s degree or higher.

Responsibility For Grandchildren Under 18 Years

A notable 4.4% of seniors in Illinois are living with grandchildren under the age of 18, with 1.0% being responsible for the care of these grandchildren.

Veteran Status

Illinois is home to 11.4% civilian veterans among its population aged 18 and over.

Disability Status

Within the civilian noninstitutionalized population of Illinois seniors, 31.9% report having some form of disability, while 68.1% do not have a disability.

Residence 1 Year Ago

The vast majority of seniors in Illinois, a significant 94.7%, remain in the same house as they did one year ago. A smaller percentage, 5.1%, moved to a different house within the United States. This migration consisted of 3.2% relocating within the same county and 1.9% moving to a different county. Among those who relocated, 1.2% moved within the same state, and 0.7% moved to a different state. Only 0.2% of seniors moved abroad.

Place Of Birth, Nativity and Citizenship Status, And Year Of Entry

Illinois is home to a diverse population, with 1,823,015 seniors being native-born and 341,925 being foreign-born. Among the foreign-born seniors, 5.8% entered the U.S. in 2010 or later, 7.2% arrived from 2000 to 2009, and 87.1% entered the U.S. before 2000. The majority, 79.2%, are naturalized U.S. citizens, while 20.8% are not U.S. citizens.

Language Spoken at Home And Ability To Speak English

Among the senior population aged 5 and over, 83.2% speak English only at home, while 16.8% speak a language other than English. Of those who speak a language other than English at home, 9.9% speak English less than “very well.”

In conclusion, the senior population in Illinois is diverse, reflecting various racial, educational, and cultural backgrounds. As these seniors continue to shape the state’s communities, understanding their characteristics and needs becomes vital for the development of policies and services tailored to enhance their quality of life.

Employment Status

In Illinois, among the civilian population aged 16 years and over, 18.8% are in the labor force. This includes 18.1% who are employed and contributing to the workforce, while 0.7% are currently unemployed. The unemployment rate stands at 3.5%. The majority, 81.2%, are not in the labor force, reflecting the varying retirement and economic situations among seniors.

Income In the Past 12 Months (In 2022 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)

Illinois households, numbering 1,362,864, show a variety of income sources. Approximately 37.5% of these households report earnings, with an average income of $71,627. Furthermore, 85.3% of households receive Social Security income, with an average of $24,110. A total of 6.7% of households receive Supplemental Security Income, averaging $10,427. A smaller percentage, 2.0%, receive cash public assistance income, averaging $3,639. Meanwhile, 60.1% of households receive retirement income, which averages $37,084, reflecting the financial stability of many Illinois seniors. Additionally, 11.9% of households receive Food Stamp/SNAP benefits, aiding those facing economic challenges.

Poverty Status in The Past 12 Months

Of the civilian noninstitutionalized population in Illinois, which totals 2,100,444, 10.2% fall below 100% of the poverty level. Another 8.0% have incomes between 100% and 149% of the poverty level. The majority, 81.9%, have incomes at or above 150% of the poverty level, reflecting a relatively low poverty rate among seniors.

Housing Tenure

Among occupied housing units in Illinois, 78.5% are owner-occupied, while 21.5% are renter-occupied. This reflects a significant proportion of seniors who own their homes. The average household size for owner-occupied units is 1.89, while renter-occupied units have an average size of 1.46, highlighting differences in household composition.

Selected Monthly Owner Costs as A Percentage Of Household Income In The Past 12 Months

For owner-occupied housing units, 71.9% have monthly owner costs that are less than 30% of the household’s income, while 28.1% have costs that exceed 30% of their income. These statistics underscore the need for affordable housing options for seniors, especially those on fixed incomes.

Gross Rent as A Percentage Of Household Income In The Past 12 Months

Within the renter-occupied units, 43.7% have gross rent costs that are less than 30% of their household income, while 56.3% of renters are paying more than 30% of their income towards rent. The proportion of seniors with higher rent burdens suggests the importance of affordable housing policies and programs to support older renters.

Gross Rent

The median gross rent in Illinois is $939 for senior renters, providing insight into the cost of housing for those who rent their homes.


The demographic profile of seniors in Illinois reflects diversity in terms of age, race, and educational attainment. Illinois seniors also exhibit a substantial degree of economic stability, with many reporting income from various sources. A lower poverty rate among seniors and a significant number of owner-occupied housing units emphasize the importance of financial security and affordable housing in ensuring a high quality of life for seniors in the Prairie State. Understanding the unique needs and characteristics of this population is crucial for policymakers and service providers aiming to enhance the well-being of Illinois seniors.