Long-Term Care Insurance for Seniors

Do you think health insurance available will cover all your medical costs at old age? Seniors need to know that it is not going to be easy in their late years to get health insurance that covers all their medical costs. If you don’t acquire long-term care insurance in your senior years, you are likely to run out of options to cover your medical bills. You will require specific types of medical care now that you are getting older. With long-term care insurance for seniors, you can have your nursing home or in-home nursing care bills paid for. Looking for ways of covering your elder medical care bills that you may need as a senior? Read this article for more details about long-term care insurance and what to consider.

What is Covered in the Long-Term Insurance for Seniors?

Suffering from a chronic illness or any other disease associated with old age? Well, this is exactly what long-term care insurance covers. It pays for costs accrued in the nursing homes for elderly persons not capable of staying alone and for patients suffering from diseases such as dementia and needs home care. It also covers memory facilities, home care, and respite care for seniors. Please note that long-term care insurance coverage for seniors does not pay for costs associated with surgeries, prescription medication, or healthcare professional visits. Such bills are covered by Medicare.

Factors influencing the Cost of Long-Term Insurance for Seniors

The cost of long-term insurance usually ranges from $3,000 to over $5,000 per year. The cost paid by each senior will however depend on certain factors, including:

  • Age. Your age will affect the premiums you pay for long-term care insurance coverage. If you are thinking of buying this insurance policy, then do it immediately it crosses your mind. You know why? Because the more you wait, the more your rate is likely to increase, usually, by 4-5% every year. Save yourself from paying more by buying the coverage in your 50s and when you are in good health. Want to wait until you hit 70? You may pay three times as much if you want to wait for another 20 years. Seniors with poor health conditions may not qualify for this insurance policy cover. You don’t have to rush. Weigh your options to find the best cover that meets your needs.
  • The Senior’s Health Status. If you have health conditions, you will suffer high premiums. Those in good health will have lower rates. Underwriters will look into your medical history and identify the number of medications you are undergoing, and this will determine the amount you’ll pay for the coverage. This is why it is advisable to buy coverage when you are still in good health.
  • What You Want to Cover. The cost of long-term care insurance for seniors will also depend on what you are looking to cover in the policy. Most seniors cover needs, including dressing, bathing, toileting, homemaker services, and home modifications. The insurance company can even add some riders, including protection from inflation, survivorship benefit, and return of premium if you want them to. You should however note that certain additions may increase your rate by 5% to 75%.
  • Available Discounts. The senior policy buyer may qualify for health or maybe marriage discounts. Work with an experienced insurance broker to help you see if you qualify for any available discounts before deciding to buy the coverage. Read The Perks of Being Older – Discounts and Savings for Seniors to learn where else seniors can take advantage of discounts and savings.
  • The Waiting Period. You have options when it comes to the waiting period in most insurance companies. The waiting period is usually the number of days an insurance company takes before starting to pay the benefits. Your options range from one to one hundred days. Prices get higher for seniors choosing shorter periods. Develop a budget and calculate to see the number of days you can cover before you receive the benefits.

Tips to Help You Purchase a Long-Term-Care Insurance for Seniors

  • Consider purchasing long-term care insurance early enough

It is important to note that the longer you wait, the more expensive this coverage is likely to be. So, why not go for it when you are still strong and healthy? One of the most common mistakes elderly persons make is waiting too long before securing long-term care insurance. Ensure you don’t wait until your health condition becomes worse because you will then find it difficult to qualify for this coverage. So, when should you consider buying long-term care insurance for seniors? Well, the ideal time to buy this insurance is when you are 50-65 and you must be in good health.

  • Understand How Premiums are Calculated

You should understand how different insurance companies calculate premiums for this coverage. Your age and health status are the biggest determinants of the number of premiums you will pay. This means that the younger and healthier you are, the lower the rates will be for you. Because the life expectancy of women is a bit longer than men, they tend to pay higher premiums for long-term care insurance.

  • Avoid Buying Too Much or Too Little Coverage

Like saving? Saving money is good for everyone’s future. Taking the cheapest insurance policy might not be a good idea. You know why? Because that cheap policy you are going for might not fulfill all your needs in the end. Increasing your coverage, the older you get may also be very difficult. You also don’t want to pay too much for coverage than what you need. Do your parents have some savings? Here are some Tips for Seniors for Saving Money. They can use the savings to partly cover their care while the insurance covers the rest.

  • Know Where to Shop for Long-Term Care Insurance

Do you think buying long-term care insurance is good for your family? Then you should start looking around for the insurance companies providing for this coverage. Talk to an independent insurance broker or a financial advisor to help you explore the available options. Each state has its policies regarding insurance, so ensure you gather all the information you need from your state.