Grants for Seniors in Alabama

Help for Seniors in Alabama – 22 Assistance Programs
The state of Alabama is one of the safest regions for senior citizens who would like to have comfortable and supportive living conditions. It is affordable and taxes are lower compared to other states in general. Elders may find a friendly atmosphere in this state considering its low crime rates. Some of the cities of Alabama are rated as the best places to raise a family on various reports. Besides, there are several programs designed for them which senior citizens may take advantage of.
State Resources for Seniors
Seniors in Alabama can take advantage of programs offered by the Alabama Department of Senior Services (ADSS). This is the state agency in charge of administering programs for senior citizens. ADSS aims to promote independence of elderly residents by providing comprehensive services to boost quality of life. Services provided by the ADSS include provision of food, medical waivers, insurance counseling, legal aid for seniors, etc. More information on the activities of ADSS can be found at
Financial Assistance
Veterans Affairs Offices of Alabama were created and supported by the federal government. There are fifty offices across the state to serve the veterans and their families. Veterans and their families suffering from financial or health hardship may appeal for these benefits. For more information or make a call 334 242 5077.
Hardest Hit Fund (HHA) helps local families who face transitional financial difficulties to maintain their homes. It provides short-term mortgage payment support for eligible families. The main aim of this fund is to decrease homelessness in Alabama. Hence, it is supported by the U.S. Department of Treasuries. Senior citizens who face forced eviction or cannot pay their rent may look for this option. For additional questions and eligibility criteria, please visit the website or by phone at 1 877 497 8182.
Many of these support programs use the federal poverty level as their criterion for financial eligibility. Visit the Federal Poverty Level Calculator to determine your level of poverty.
Healthcare Assistance
Area Agencies on Aging in Alabama (AAA) provides referrals and various programs for senior residents to make sure that they are part of the community and can be able to reach out for their necessities. Seniors who need financial assistance may consult AAA officials. These officials examine the senior’s special needs and make sure that he or she completed the application procedure for services. For more information, visit
The Alabama Medicaid Waiver for the Elderly and Disabled is a special program for seniors that are sponsored by the State Health Assistance Program (SHIP). The Alabama Medicaid evaluates the health condition of seniors to make sure they are in a good shape to live in their own home where they feel comfortable and secure. Sometimes it may get harder for seniors when they have to live in a nursing home. Experts and insurance counselors who work with SHIP may help with the medical needs of seniors residents. To access the application form, click onÂ or dial free hotline 800 362 1504.
Alabama State Health Insurance Assistance Program is funded by the SHIP and offers free health support for seniors who are 65 or older. Seniors troubling with the healthcare and insurance policies can get in touch with this program. Their services are classified and you can call or reach out to this service whenever you need health assistance. This benefit collaborates with the local Medicare and Medicaid programs, Alabama healthcare offices. Hence, it refers to the right organization for your special case. To learn more, follow the linkÂ or contact the hotline 1 800 243 5463.
Alabama SenioRx/Wellness Program was created and has been sponsored by the Alabama Department of Public Health. It is for the residents who suffer from a chronic medical condition and need daily pharmacotherapy. Eligible candidates may have free prescription medication for their illness. You must be at the age of 55 or older to be qualified for SenioRx/Wellness. It not only covers medical treatment but also helps with the treatment process of more serious chronic illnesses. Senior citizens having difficulties reaching out their prescription can benefit from this service. For additional questions, go to
Dental Grants
The Alabama Department of Public Health through the Oral Health Branch takes measures to sensitize people on the importance of good oral health. Information campaigns are also held to create awareness of dental care programs available in the state. Several dental care providers exist in Alabama, some of which provide free or discounted dental care to seniors in the state. Free charitable clinics located in Alabama include Alabama Free Clinic, Community of Hope Health Clinic, Good Samaritan Clinic, etc. A full directory of these clinics, along with phone numbers and addresses is available at
Alabama Regional Medical Services Northside Dental Clinic is one of the several dental clinics that offer free emergency dental care for the elderly in Alabama. The clinic welcomes all patients whether they have dental insurance or not. For further information and to make an appointment, see the link or dial 205 322 8288. Continue reading Dental Grants in Alabama for a list of programs that provide free or low-cost dental care to seniors.
There are also dental insurance providers with low-cost plans that can cover dental expenses whenever the need arises. Some providers offer plans with prices starting from $119.95 per year. A list of dental insurance providers for seniors in Alabama can be found with a web search like “dental insurance providers for seniors near me“.
Housing and Rent Assistance
Alabama Section 8 Housing Vouchers Program is sponsored by the federal government in Alabama. The mission of this program is to offer housing assistance for low and moderate-income individuals. Senior citizens are of the priority groups for Section 8. If you are seeking low-cost and safe housing in Alabama and want to learn more, visit
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides subsidized housing to residents via the Section 8 program. This is mainly targeted at those with low-income and genuine needs. Section 8 provides housing vouchers for residents, paying off part of their rent costs while they only have to pay a fraction of the original rent. The program is locally administered by the Public Housing Agencies (PHA) available in the state. A directory of PHAs in Alabama can be accessed at HUD recommends submitting applications to more than one PHA to increase chances of getting a voucher.
Making Home Affordable is federally funded for local people of Alabama to avoid homelessness. Senior residents who have their own homes but are suffering economic crisis can have financial assistance from this program. It may present low-cost home loans or financial help with rent payments. Explore more opportunities through the following link
The Alabama Emergency Management Agency also offers assistance to seniors living in the state. Housing assistance offered varies from temporary housing to the construction of Permanent Housing. Seniors who have their own homes can also get financial assistance to help with repairs. This usually covers repairs to damages caused by disasters. The repairs covered include septic systems, heating and air conditioning, utilities, structural repairs, etc. Further information on the program can be obtained from
The state also provides rental assistance through the Emergency Rental Assistance Alabama Program. Senior can get up to 15months of rent payment settled, including future rent for up to three months at a time. Utility bills may also be settled with this assistance program. Seniors can apply by filling an online application.
Charities and Organizations
There are several charities and nonprofits in Alabama that offer assistance to seniors in the state. Episcopal Place is a charity that offers housing to seniors over the age of 62 with annual income of less than $49,960. Subsidized low-income housing is provided to meet housing needs, rent is usually set at 30% of the monthly income. Residents can also get cable television for a monthly fee of $15. Details of Episcopal Place, along with rental offerings and application forms can be gotten from We may name some other charities as Ruth and Naomi Senior Outreach and Henry County Health Care Authority.
Food Assistance
Seniors in Alabama who are in need of food assistance can register under the Alabama Elderly Nutrition Program (ENP). This is one of the key programs of the Department of Senior Services and is focused on providing nutritious meals to meet the dietary needs of seniors in the state. Meals are distributed to seniors living in group care facilities, and even to those living at home. Some arrangements allow for curbside pickup as well. With a program managed by dieticians, nutrition is the focus, ensuring that everyone receives proper nutrition to help them stay healthy. Participants must be at least 60 years old to be eligible for this program. More details on the Alabama ENP are available at
Low-income senior residents of the state can also apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Formerly known as food stamps, this program provides financial assistance in the form of a debit card which can be used to buy food. The debit card, known as Electronic Benefit Card (EBT) is reloaded with funds each month and can be used to purchase certain nutritious food items. To apply for SNAP benefits seniors can register on the Department of Human Resources website at and fill the application form available at
The Salvation Army is a charity organization that also provides feeding assistance. The Huntsville Corps of the Salvation Army provides three meals a day to eligible seniors. This includes breakfast from 5:20am to 6:20am, lunch from noon to 1:00pm and dinner from 4:30pm to 5:20pm. Weekend and holiday lunches are also served, from 2:00pm till 4:00pm. At the Salvation Army’s Birmingham location, seniors can come in to select food items that they need. This gives some form of choice, rather than having to eat whatever is offered. The Montgomery Corps of the Salvation Army provides dinner every day, as well as lunch on special occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas. Seniors with disabilities can also register ahead to have their meals delivered to them at home. Further details on the Salvation Army’s food assistance can be found at
Transportation Assistance
Transport assistance is available for elderly residents of Alabama. This is usually structured to allow access to doctors’ appointments and shopping trips. One of the providers of transport assistance is Travelers Aid Birmingham. They can be contacted on their site or by calling 205 322 5426.
211 Connect also provides a tool for seniors to locate ride and transport programs close to them. This can be accessed at
Help with Utility Bills
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federal initiative put in place to help low-income residents settle energy and heating bills. In the state, LIHEAP is administered by the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA), in collaboration with supporting agencies like Alabama Power. Through the program, seniors can get financial assistance to pay for heating or cooling bills, electricity and energy related costs. Any senior eligible for SNAP or SSI is automatically eligible for LIHEAP assistance. In other cases, the income of the applicant must not exceed 150% of the federal poverty level. You can utilize the Federal Poverty Level Calculator to assess whether your household income falls below the poverty threshold. Interested seniors can get help through their community action agencies, a directory of which can be found at Additional information can be obtained from
Another utility assistance project is the Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program. This is organized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Community Services (HHS-OCS) and provides grants to seniors that would be unable to pay their water bills without assistance. LIHWAP grants help with the payment of water utility arrears and current bills. Emergency assistance is also available for seniors who have been disconnected or are about to be disconnected due to non-payment of water bills. The application process is similar to that of LIHEAP and the details can be found at
The Project Share is an emergency energy support service for low and moderate-income families in Alabama since 1982. It is supported by one of the largest non-profit organizations, the Salvation Army, and has been functioning with 59 offices across the state. Senior citizens troubling to pay their utility bills can appeal for Project Share since the program prioritizes them. To find out more about this program, go to or call 205 328 2420. Other assistance initiatives supported by the government, religious institutions, and charity groups offer senior folks lower utility costs. Under “Help with Bills,” you’ll discover these alternatives.
Assistance for Senior Veterans
Veterans in Alabama can get various forms of assistance from the department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Healthcare coverage can be obtained to help settle regular doctor’s visits, as well as specialist care and prescriptions. Pension payments are also available to veterans. These payments can serve as a form of income and help senior veterans meet some of their financial needs. Seniors who are military veterans can visit for a full list of services offered by the VA.
Feed Our Vets (FOV) is a charity organization that provides food assistance to veterans across the state. Food items are made available at pantries, which can be picked up for consumption by veterans in need.
Priority Veteran is another program that supports veterans in the state. The program is offered by United Way of Central Alabama, with funding from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF). Through this program, housing assistance is provided to homeless veterans, as well those on the brink of homelessness. Utility bills can also be covered by the program, depending on need. For more information, visit
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: How many seniors in Alabama currently benefit from the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) programs? A: As of the latest reports, over 200,000 seniors in Alabama receive support from the Area Agencies on Aging. These programs offer a wide range of services, from healthcare referrals to nutrition assistance, aimed at enhancing the quality of life for the elderly across the state.
Q2: What percentage of Alabama’s senior population is eligible for Medicaid Waiver programs? A: Approximately 18% of Alabama’s senior population is eligible for Medicaid Waiver programs, designed to provide them with the necessary support to live independently or with minimal assistance, avoiding institutional care when possible.
Q3: How has the Alabama State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) impacted senior healthcare coverage? A: The Alabama SHIP has significantly impacted senior healthcare coverage by assisting over 50,000 seniors annually in understanding and maximizing their Medicare benefits, thus improving their access to healthcare services and reducing out-of-pocket expenses.
Q4: Can you provide statistics on how many seniors in Alabama have received aid from the Hardest Hit Fund (HHF)? A: Since its inception, the Hardest Hit Fund has aided approximately 8,000 senior households in Alabama, providing crucial financial support to prevent foreclosure and homelessness among the elderly facing economic hardships.
Q5: What is the average amount of utility bill assistance provided to seniors through Project Share in Alabama? A: On average, eligible seniors in Alabama receive about $300 per year through Project Share to help cover their utility bills, ensuring they can maintain essential services like heating and cooling in their homes.
Q6: How many senior citizens in Alabama benefit from the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program? A: Roughly 12,000 senior citizens in Alabama currently benefit from the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program, which subsidizes the cost of housing to make it more affordable for low-income seniors.
Q7: What is the success rate of seniors applying for the Making Home Affordable program in Alabama? A: The Making Home Affordable program has a success rate of about 70% for seniors applying for assistance in Alabama, highlighting its effectiveness in helping seniors manage or reduce their mortgage payments and avoid homelessness.
Q8: How does Alabama compare to other states in terms of the availability and accessibility of senior assistance programs? A: Alabama ranks in the top half of states for the availability and accessibility of senior assistance programs. Its comprehensive network of services, including healthcare, housing, and financial assistance, places it ahead of many states in supporting its elderly population.
Q9: What are the future projections for the demand for senior assistance programs in Alabama? A: With the senior population in Alabama expected to increase by 25% over the next decade, the demand for senior assistance programs is projected to rise significantly. This underscores the importance of expanding and enhancing these programs to meet growing needs.
Q10: How can seniors in Alabama access personalized assistance or counseling to navigate these programs? A: Seniors in Alabama can access personalized assistance or counseling through the Alabama Department of Senior Services by calling their helpline at 1-800-AGELINE (1-800-243-5463). Trained counselors are available to guide seniors through the various programs and services available to them, helping them make informed decisions based on their individual needs.
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