Grants for Seniors in Ohio

Key Senior Statistics in Ohio (65 and over)
Senior Population: 2,213,997 (18.8%) Senior Population: 2,213,997 (18.8%)
Male: 44.8% Male: 44.8%
Female: 55.2% Female: 55.2%
Median Age: 73 Median Age: 73
Disability: 32.4% Disability: 32.4%
With Social Security Income: 86.1% With Social Security Income: 86.1%
With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 10.5% With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 10.5%
Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 10.7% Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 10.7%
Data Source: Data Source:
Data is taken from American Community Survey 2023. Please check our detailed page about Senior Statistics of Ohio for more data and information.

Help for Seniors in Ohio – 28 Assistance Programs

Ohio is one of the most preferred states by the elderly considering the affordable cost of living and social events throughout the state. Besides, the rent prices in this place are low-cost which is very significant for seniors. Although it is a moderately tax-friendly state with respect to seniors, some of the incomes are taxed at normal rates. Hence, seniors may need support to live comfortably in Ohio. There is a good deal of services and benefits for seniors that are presented by the federal authorities, the State of Ohio, and the local charity organizations.

Financial and Employment Assistance

The Golden Buckeye Card Program was founded and has been led by the Ohio Department of Aging for seniors who run businesses. Seniors who are 60 years of age or older who need financial assistance with their businesses are eligible for this program. Eligible candidates will be able to receive the goods and services at a discount of 20 percent to 50 percent. These businesses also offer a discount for senior citizens. To learn more, please go to or call the hotline 1 866 301 6446.

Ohio Senior Community Service Employment Program is a state-funded program that aims to provide job opportunities for people who are 55 years of age or above. Older people looking for employment are encouraged to apply for this program. It offers various training courses to increase applicants’ ability and skills. These courses are also paid and most of the time the jobs are part-time in a non-governmental institution. For further information, please visit or dial 330 253 4597.

The federal poverty level is used to determine financial eligibility for many assistance programs. Annual and monthly data can be found at Federal Poverty Level Calculator.

Housing and Rent Assistance

The Community Housing Improvement Program (CHIP) assists low-income seniors with financial assistance to maintain their homes or to find low-cost, decent, and secure homes. The main aim of this state-funded program is to decrease homelessness and protect people during their difficult times. It helps with rental rehabilitation, homeownership, and home repair. To learn more, please visit or give a phone call at 740 622 0529.

Ohio The Housing Assistance Grant Program was established and has been supported by the State of Ohio for people who are facing financial hardship. Senior residents who need housing assistance are qualified for this program. The amount of the funding can differ depending on the financial condition of the applicant. To see more information, please visit

Public Housing Program: The Public Housing Assistance program was created to enable low-income elderly Ohioans to obtain decent, safe, and affordable rental housing. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development administers the program at the federal level and distributes funds to the local Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), who then deliver housing assistance to eligible low-income seniors in Ohio. The eligibility for the program assistance is determined based on annual gross income, age among seniors (at least 60), U.S. citizenship or alien status, and Ohio residency. Income limits vary fromone place to another. Some of the information filled in the application form include the details:

  • Gender, sex, date of birth, relationship to the family, of everyone living in the housing unit.
  • Current address and phone number.
  • Current circumstances, like poor housing conditions, etc. That may qualify the household during the approval process.
  • Family characteristics, like whether either of the spouses was a veteran.
  • Details of the previous landlords, including their names and current addresses.
  • Income and sources of that income for the next 12 months.
  • Details of employers, banks, and any other relevant information that would help determine eligibility for the program assistance.

Some of the documents needed at the time of application include birth certificates and tax returns to confirm if the details given in the application forms are correct. More information is available at

Housing Choice Voucher Program: The housing Choice Voucher Program is intended to help low-income seniors find safe, decent, and affordable housing. The elderly Ohioans eligible for this program support can choose a rental housing unit in the private housing market. The housing unit chosen must meet the HUD’s set safety and quality standards. After qualifying for support, seniors can contribute about 30% of their income towards rent, as the government pays the rest of the arrears. The vouchers are directly given to the landlords on behalf of the tenants. Visit for more information.

Home Repair Grants

Seniors can receive aid with home maintenance, renovation, and rehabilitation in addition to housing and rent support. See Home Repair Grants for Seniors for further details.

Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants in Ohio: Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants or the Section 504 Home Repair Program is an initiative by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to help senior homeowners in improving the conditions of their homes. The program issues grant of up to $10,000 to help the elderly remove safety and health hazards from their homes. To qualify for the program assistance, the seniors must meet the low-income limits, provide proof of homeownership and that they reside in the house, be at least 60, and are unable to acquire credit elsewhere. Grants must be repaid if the homeowner sells or changes the ownership of the property within three years of receiving assistance from the program. Find out more at

Home Improvement Program (HIP) – Hamilton County: HIP provides financial assistance to senior homeowners to enable them to borrow money for home repair or remodeling. The loan is given at fixed interest rates of 3%, which is way below the normal rates that banks would offer. Seniors can qualify for up $50,000 at a term of only five years. Visit for more details about the program.

Healthcare Assistance

Ohio Health Lifestyle Programming was formed and has been managed by the Ohio Health Employer Services to increase and maintain the well-being of the residents. This programming has various sub-programs which are as follows:

  • 40 Days of Fresh: This is a physical activity program that people meet weekly with a fitness trainer.
  • New You: This is a ten-week program that encourages participants to lose weight.
  • Maintain Don’t Gain: It promotes healthy eating habits and lifestyle for the participants.

To learn more about these programs, please visit or make a phone call at 614 544 4656.

Inpatient Care for Older Adults was created and has been run by the Ohio Grant Medical Center. This health program supports the unique needs of patients who are 70 years of age or older. Some of their services are making sure that the patients are provided with the necessary treatment and medicine, controlling their procedure, reducing the risk of falls, and training the family and patients about their illness and the details of the process. Besides these services, this program may provide a caregiver when it is necessary. Find out more at or contact 614 566 7257.

Medicaid: Medicaid can help seniors with low income and limited resources by covering their long-term expenses, including the cost of assisted living facilities and home care.

Aged, Blind, or Disabled (ABD) Medicaid: There are some programs that Medicaid offers to older adults and seniors disabled, and the blind to help them cover their medical bills. There is also a specific Medicaid program for the elderly and disabled, Medicaid Buy-in for Workers with Disabilities (MBIWD), that offers healthcare insurance coverage for senior disabled still in the workforce. Seniors must utmost above 64 to qualify for this kind of Medicaid. Other eligibility requirements include meeting the description of disability as stated by the Social Security Administration, Ohio Medicaid, or MBIWD. More information is available at

Ohio Medicare: Medicare is a health insurance program dedicated to supporting seniors aged 65+ and the elderly disabled at the same age. Older adults eligible for the Social Security disability benefits automatically qualify for Ohio Medicare. Medicare consists of different parts:

– Part A: Medicare Part A is the hospital insurance, which covers hospital stays, skilled nursing, lab tests, and hospice care.

– Part B: Medicare Part B is the medical insurance, covering doctors’ visits, home healthcare services, and preventative care, including cancer screenings, mental illness, and depression.

– Medicare Advantage (Part C): Medicare Advantage Plans can be an alternative to the Original Medicare (Part A and Part B). Medicare Part C may include Part A and Part B, except they don’t cover hospice care services. Most of these services are offered by Medicare-approved private insurance companies, and their coverages can include dental care, vision care, and prescription medication. Some companies extend their services to gym memberships, transportation for medical appointments, and adult daycare services.

– Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage): Most Medicare Advantage plans come with Part D, automatically as part of their package. Seniors can also add prescription drug coverage to the Original Medicare. The Medicare program offers Part D to all beneficiaries, but those who don’t include it in their coverages when they are initially eligible may pay a penalty if they wait. Part D plans don’t cover the same prescription drugs or have the same cost for their policies.

More details are available at

Seniors frequently experience oral problems brought on by aging. The majority of seniors avoid the dentist. Given that there are funding expressly for oral treatment, this shouldn’t be the case. For information on how older citizens can get these services, go visit Dental Grants in Ohio.

Utility Bills Assistance

Ohio Home Weatherization Assistance Program has been provided by the federal government for low-income people. Seniors are prioritized by this program and they may have various amounts of discount on their bills. This program also aims at energy efficiency at homes so that households save both their expenses and energy. Households with children can receive more discounts on this program. For further information, please go to or make a phone call at 1 800 282 0880.

Ohio Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a utility assistance service that was formed by the federal authorities and has been managed by the Ohio Department of Development, Office of Community Service (OCS). Older people having financial difficulties are eligible for this service. Apart from getting discounts on their bills, Ohio LIHEAP may offer financial support for them to maintain their utilities. To learn more, please follow the link or dial the HEAP toll-free number 1 800 282 0880.

Ohio Household Water Assistance Program: Ohio Household Water Assistance Program works to help low-income homeowners and tenants with their water and wastewater bills. The program’s funding comes from the Consolidated Appropriations Act and American Rescue Plan Act. To qualify for the program assistance, seniors’ incomes must not exceed 175% of the federal poverty guidelines, are disconnected, or are at risk of being disconnected from water or wastewater service. Participants of the Home Energy Assistance Program, SSI, SNAP, and TANF are automatically eligible for LIHWAP support. Visit for more information.

Other programs to assist seniors with utility bills are available across the country. Visit Help with Bills for additional options.

Food Assistance

Ohio Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program was specifically designed for senior citizens who are 60 years of age or older. Those citizens who are not able to cook for themselves and who do not have someone to help with preparing meals, or simply cannot afford to buy nutritious and healthy food based on their diet are qualified for this benefit. Eligible participants will receive a monthly coupon that is worth $50. These coupons can be used at farmer’s markets in the neighborhood. Beneficiaries can buy fresh fruits, vegetables, and dry legumes. To access the application form, please go to or call 800 252 0155.

Salvation Army of Ohio is a local charity organization that presents various programs for everyone in need. The Salvation Army offers a program in Ohio which is called Alleviate Hunger. Within the scope of this program, it has several food pantries located around the state. Seniors can benefit from the food bags known as Senior Food Boxes which are specifically prepared for them. Seniors who are 60 years old and above may get a monthly food box that is delivered to their home. There are also Mobile Food Canteen, Hot Lunch Program, and Produce Distribution. All these food services are designed for people who need food support. To read the details about these programs, please click the link or get in touch with 614 437 2134.

The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP): TEFAP is a federal program dedicated to assisting low-income seniors with emergency food support at no cost. For more information, please visit

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP): CSFP is a nutrition assistance program offering low-income seniors a monthly box of food. The boxes come with food with nutrients that are perfect for the elderly. Some of the foods included in the food box include cheese, dry beans, peas, peanut butter, rice, pasta, canned meat, poultry, fish, canned fruits, and vegetables. Find out more at

There are other programs  designed to help seniors in need in gaining access to nutritious and healthy meals that promote good health. Food Programs for Seniors goes into detail about these services.

Transportation Assistance

The local area agencies on aging help with transportation support to help seniors go for essential trips, medical appointments, shopping, and running errands. Find your local area agency on aging at

Public transit agencies also provide transportation services via public transit to elderly persons living with disabilities.

Ohio Mobility Management Program: This program work with mobility managers who matches seniors with transportation option available in their areas. Find out more at

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT): NEMT helps Medicaid beneficiaries with non-emergency transportation assistance to receive healthcare services, including attending medical appointments. Read more at

Charities and Nonprofits’ Assistance

Aging Solutions Foundation: Aging Solutions Foundation supports the health and safety of vulnerable senior Ohioans and older adults with disabilities by helping them remain living independently at their homes. The organization offers case management services through the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging and emergency funding support for rental assistance, security deposits, utilities, food, prescription medication, safety repairs, and other services to help them thrive. More information is available at

Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio: COA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life among seniors, the elderly and disabled, their families, and caregivers. The organization’s mission is to promote independence, dignity, and well-being among seniors and offer a wide range of support services to help them remain in their homes for as long as they can. More details are available at

ProSeniors: Founded in 1975, ProSeniors works to improve the independence among older adults as well as their quality of life. The organization strives to achieve its mission by empowering them, advocating for their rights & interests, and helping them have access to the resources they need to thrive in their communities. The organization also offers Legal services. Their Legal Helpline is serving older adults aged 60+. They work with in-house attorneys who provide their help to seniors who may need assistance. Long-Term Care Ombudsman the organization works with Ombudsmen who advocate for the rights of residents of long-term care facilities. The Ombudsmen also connect them to local services or agencies that can offer support. More details are available at

Assistance for Senior Veterans and Disabled Seniors

The Specially Adapted Housing Grant: This is financial assistance given to veterans and service members with disabilities who suffered in the course of duty. The programs aim to help them be able to meet their housing needs by enabling them to buy or change homes. The program also intends to improve independence among elderly veterans in Ohio. To qualify for the program assistance, seniors must be planning to become homeowners and suffering from disability connected to their services as veterans or servicemen. Qualifying disabilities include:

  • Loss or inability to use more than one limb.
  • Loss or inability to use a lower leg along with lasting effects of a natural injury or disease.
  • Blindness in both eyes.
  • Severe burns.
  • Loss or inability to use one foot or leg after September 11, 2001.

The current maximum funds one can receive from the SHA program is $109,986. Read more about the program at

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What financial assistance programs are available for seniors in Ohio? Seniors in Ohio have access to the Ohio Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program, which offers coupons for fresh produce, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) for help with heating and cooling bills, and the Golden Buckeye Program, providing discounts on prescriptions and services.

2. How can seniors apply for Medicaid in Ohio? Medicaid applications for seniors can be completed online through the Ohio Benefits portal, by phone, or in person at local County Departments of Job and Family Services. Applicants need to provide documentation of income, assets, Ohio residency, and age.

3. What housing assistance is available for seniors in Ohio? The Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) offers the Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8) for rental assistance, and information on affordable senior housing options, including apartments and assisted living facilities. The agency also has programs for home repair and weatherization.

4. Can seniors receive assistance with utility bills in Ohio? Yes, the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) provides financial aid to eligible senior households for heating and cooling expenses, ensuring a safe and comfortable home environment.

5. How do seniors get help with prescription medications in Ohio? The Golden Buckeye Program includes a prescription drug discount card that seniors can use for savings on medications. Additionally, Ohio’s Best Rx offers prescription drug discounts for all Ohio residents, including seniors.

6. Are there property tax relief programs for seniors in Ohio? The Homestead Exemption provides eligible seniors with a reduction in property taxes as a form of relief, lowering the financial burden on their primary residence. Seniors can apply through their county auditor’s office.

7. What in-home care services can seniors access in Ohio? Ohio’s PASSPORT Medicaid waiver program provides in-home care services such as personal care, meal delivery, and emergency response systems, helping seniors live independently in their homes for as long as possible.

8. How can seniors access transportation services in Ohio? Many counties in Ohio offer transportation services for seniors through local transit systems or Area Agencies on Aging, providing rides to medical appointments, shopping, and other essential activities, often at reduced rates or for free.

9. What nutritional programs support seniors in Ohio? The Elderly Nutrition Program, funded by the Older Americans Act, provides congregate meals at senior centers and home-delivered meals through programs like Meals on Wheels, ensuring seniors receive nutritious meals and social interaction.

10. How can seniors in Ohio receive legal assistance? Legal Aid societies across Ohio provide free legal services to low-income seniors, covering areas such as healthcare, housing, consumer rights, and elder abuse, offering support and advocacy for their rights.