Housing and Rent Assistance Programs for Seniors

Most seniors want to enjoy their life during their golden years without worrying about financial considerations, yet sometimes they may need support to maintain their independence. Paying rent or living in a house might be difficult especially when they are in economic hardship. There are several programs and services available for low and moderate-income seniors who need rent or housing assistance. These rental support benefits are created by the federal government, state agencies, and non-governmental charity-based organizations. Here is a list of programs and organizations for seniors.

Public Housing Authorities

PHAs were constituted and have been run by the federal government throughout all states to provide rent assistance for older or disabled people in need. There is a great deal of housing units that were specifically designed according to the changing needs of its participants. The main criterion is the financial condition of the applicant. Eligible seniors will pay approximately 30 percent of their monthly rent for these living units. They can also meet new people and benefit from health and social services of these housing authorities. To see the nearest PHAs’ office to you, please follow the link https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/public_indian_housing/pha/contacts or make a phone call at 1 800 955 2232.

Housing Choice Voucher Program-Section 8

Formerly known as Section 8, this program is a well-known rent assistance program that was formed and has been subsidized by the federal government. Although the eligibility criteria may differ from one state to another, its main purpose is to make sure that everyone who needs rental support has it. Low and middle-income older persons are prioritized by this program. The program mainly leaves the house, apartment, or flat choice to the qualified applicant. Once it is decided, roughly 70 percent of the rent expense will be covered by the program. For more information and to apply, please visit https://www.hud.gov/topics/housing_choice_voucher_program_section_8 or give it a call at 1 800 955 2232.

The Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program-Section 202

This is a special program that was established by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for elder citizens who are 62 years of age or older and who need housing support. Older citizens who are about to lose their homes or require housing assistance are qualified for this benefit. Beneficiaries of this program will be living in independent living-type apartments. These apartments provide transportation, food, and housekeeping services for their tenants. The length of the stay differs depending on the current economic situation of the beneficiaries. To learn more, please go to https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/housing/mfh/progdesc/eld202 or contact 1 800 955 2232.

Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

This is a special program that provides tax credits for investors and developers that aims to purchase, build, or rehabilitate a property for low and moderate-income senior citizens. The tenants who will live in these properties will be provided with rental support. Adult people who are 55 years of age or above and need rent support are eligible to live in these apartments, houses, or living units. These properties are also known as seniors apartments and the house that an eligible senior is going to live in will be decided based on their current financial status. Find out more information at https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/lihtc.html or dial 1 800 245 2691 or 1 800 927 7589.

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER)

This shelter aid was constituted by the BC Housing which is a non-governmental housing organization. Its services are available across the country for any person who needs housing assistance to maintain their lives. SAFER is a special program that was particularly created for low and middle-income older people. People who are 60 years of age or older are qualified for this help. Beneficiaries will be receiving monthly cash payments to pay their rents. Further information can be accessed by clicking on the following link https://www.bchousing.org/housing-assistance/rental-assistance-programs/SAFER or make connections with toll-free 1 800 257 7756.

Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM)

HECM is a reverse mortgage program that was created and has been sponsored by the federal authorities for seniors who are having difficulties paying their mortgages. This program allows older people to convert the equity in their house into money. The amount of the cash that they will borrow will be determined according to the appraised value of the house. People who are 62 years old and older are prioritized by this program. The link to their official website is as follows https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/housing/sfh/hecm/hecmhome or call 1 800 569 4287.

Volunteers of America

This is one of the largest non-governmental organizations throughout the country. It has plenty of benefits including health support, rent support, utility bills assistance, and housing support. One of its services is to assist affordable, decent, and secure housing for low-income older people. Homeless people, children, veterans, the elderly, and people with disabilities are prioritized by this organization. Once a person applies for housing support, the organization does its best to find out the best available option for the applicant based on the health, social and financial status of the applicant. Then, the organization settles the applicants to the best place that will take care of them. Furthermore, the applicants who only need rental support may also receive monetary aid based on their economic condition. For further information, please click the link https://www.voa.org/housing or dial 703 341 5000.

Catholic Charities

The mission of the Catholic Charities is to reach out to everyone in need in the country. It has been one of the most effective non-profit establishments for people who require health support, legal assistance, utility bills help, food support, rental, housing support, and more. Catholic Charities offer various services for low-income older individuals who require help with various issues. It has many shelters, housing programs, and rental support services in every state. See more information at https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/what-we-do/affordable-housing/.

Seniors can remain safe and independent in their homes for as long as possible. The house must then be kept secure and senior-friendly. Not only do they receive housing and rent assistance, but there are also numerous financial aid programs that assist seniors with home repairs. For a list of available resources, see Home Repair Grants for Seniors.