Dental Grants in New Hampshire

Due to its proximity to Canada, New Hampshire is Granite State. It is an attractive state for seniors because of its low pollution and crime rates and beautiful scenery. In addition, it is very tax friendly. There are no sales taxes and taxes on retirement income or Social security support. For retirees, the numerous outdoor activities and events are fun.

On the flip side, New Hampshire has high property taxes that poses a challenge to seniors dependent on retirement benefits. Also, winters here can be cold and long, having adverse health effects on older citizens with no heating alternatives. Although there is tax freedom, thanks to untaxed salaries, investment income is taxed.

All this, coupled with the elderly’s deteriorating health, leads them to require support to elevate their living conditions. Different projects help them curb the challenges they face. For their oral health problems, local authorities, state agencies, the federal government, and other concerned organizations have come up with strategies to ensure seniors’ are well taken care of.

Are There Grants for Dental in New Hampshire?

The main challenges facing the dental healthcare system in New Hampshire are:

Expensive dental care services: In New Hampshire, the approximate cost of dental services for uninsured citizens is roughly $6,000. A surgical extraction costs $300 per tooth. The price of dentures ranges from $1,300 to $2,000 per tooth. These figures have made many older citizens ignore dental problems, accelerating their basic conditions to serious oral diseases that turn septic.

Of families with an income less than $25,000, 37.7% visited dental clinics. For families with incomes up to $50,000, $75,000, and above $75,000, 57.1%, 72.2%, and 82.8% sought dental healthcare. A household income determines whether or not they will seek dental care services because of the high cost of services.

Shortage of dental providers: Citizens of New Hampshire not only struggle to find money to pay for dental care but also struggle to find dentists to offer them services. There are too few dentists in the state, causing suffering from pain caused by oral diseases. Even patients with dental insurance either have to wait for months or seek help away from home due to the high number of people who require medically necessary oral care.

Lack of sufficient knowledge: Statistics show that 38.1% of adults with less than a high school education visited a dentist in 2020, 59.9% of adults who graduated from high school, 68.8% with some post-high school education, and 83.1% of college grads visited dental clinics that same year. From the numbers, one’s level of education influences the frequency of dental clinic visits.

In this case, the relevant authorities saw it best to find solutions for these problems. Stakeholders include the Department of Health and Human Services, North Delta Dental Foundation, Dental Lifeline Network, New Hampshire Dental Society (NHDS), American Dental Association, charities, and not-for-profit organizations. They award dental grants to programs that handle dental care services in rural and ignored areas to:

  • Promote mass education on oral healthcare by teaching people about proper dental practices and the importance of dental hygiene.
  • Sponsor students interested in pursuing dentistry to increase the number of dental providers
  • Support research and dental studies that lead to innovations that will advance oral healthcare
  • Run programs that increase the accessibility of dental healthcare to uninsured and underinsured

How To Get Financial Help for Dental in New Hampshire

The best part about living in the era of technology is that information is a click away. Most dental grants are online, you have to be thorough with your research. You can visit your local community health center and get guidance on how to go about it. Dental Lifeline Networks’ Donated Dental Services accepts the following applicants into their programs:

  • Individuals that require medically necessary dental treatments
  • Older citizens above 65
  • Permanently disabled individuals

DDS programs receive a lot of applications and have a long waiting list. For this reason, they do not offer simple dental treatments (only comprehensive care), emergency services, or cosmetic dental procedures. If you meet the set criteria, you can make your application by filling out this form. You can only benefit from the program once.

The dental grants available in New Hampshire include

  • Dental grantsThese grants are awarded for supporting dental care programs, buying dental supplies and equipment, for professional development and mass education, and for supporting dental-related research.
  • Cosmetic dental grants: They cover optional procedures like veneers, dentures, Invisalign, and crowns.
  • Dental implant grants: Their purpose is to enable the disadvantaged to access these expensive dental implants to promote their oral and general health.
  • Free dental implant clinical trials: The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research does clinical trials to test the safety and efficacy of new drugs and equipment used in dental practice. Participation in these studies is voluntary.
  • Dental schools: If you’re looking for cheaper dental care services and do not mind a student being your service provider, dental schools are a good option. As a way of giving back to society, they offer dental treatments at affordable costs. The procedures are supervised and reviewed by licensed dentists.

Charities that Help with Dental Costs

Aspire Living & Learning: Aspire Living & Learning is a non-profit organization that helps adults with developmental and intellectual challenges to access dental care through their Aspire residential services. The organization serves people with Medicaid who have to give up preventive care since it doesn’t cover these services.

Community Dental Care of Claremont: This organization helps seniors access treatments like examinations, check-ups, implants, and dentures, whether they are uninsured or have Medicaid.

Gateway Community Services: Gateway Community Services receives grants to support its dental care programs for the seniors under their care. They have a comprehensive program that ensures seniors live quality lives in their homes.

Are There Free or Low-Cost Dental Clinics in New Hampshire?

This is a small list of sliding scale, affordable and not-for-profit clinics near you.

  1. NH Dental Society- Concord
  2. Amoskeag Urgent Dental Care- Manchester
  3. Goodwin Community Health- Somersworth
  4. Main Street Dental- Plymouth
  5. Landmark Dental Care- Nashua

Does Medicare Cover Dental Implants in New Hampshire?

Medicare does not cover dental costs. However, under specific medical conditions where dental care is necessary, it does. These services include examinations, diagnosis, treatments, and X-rays. Original Medicare Plans (parts A & B) do not cover dental services only performed by dentists.

If you have Medicare, you can get dental coverage by adding a dental plan to your Medicare Advantage plan. You may get discounts for your MA plan if you include a vision and dental plan. For dental implants, MA plans or a standalone cover will work best. With a monthly premium, a $4,500 dental implant will only cost you $900 out of pocket.

Grants for Helping with Fillings, Decay, Cleanings and Root Canals Costs?

NH Smile Program: Seniors who are Medicaid beneficiaries can now have their dental costs covered through the Medicaid Smile Program for adults 21 years and older. An annual amount of $1,150 is available to cover preventive services, including X-rays, cleanings, fillings, exams, extractions, treatment for trauma, crowns, root canals, and dentures.

Financial Assistance: The Old Age Assistance Program offers monetary aid to seniors who are citizens of New Hampshire or non-citizens who meet the eligibility criteria. If you qualify for OAA, you are automatically eligible for Medicaid. Seniors whose income and resources (excluding cars and residential homes) compute less than $1,500 can apply for OAA.

Supplemental Security Income is financial aid from the Social Security Administration to seniors above 65 to help them meet basic needs.

The grants provided to seniors in New Hampshire make the state comfortable. High mortality and morbidity rates related to dental conditions can strain a state’s health system. More strategies are necessary to alleviate poor oral health in rural areas to help citizens live better lives.