Grants for Seniors in Montana

Key Senior Statistics in Montana (65 and over)
Senior Population: 231,950 (20.5%) Senior Population: 231,950 (20.5%)
Male: 48% Male: 48%
Female: 52% Female: 52%
Median Age: 73 Median Age: 73
Disability: 31.5% Disability: 31.5%
With Social Security Income: 90% With Social Security Income: 90%
With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 6.1% With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 6.1%
Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 9.5% Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 9.5%
Data Source: Data Source:
Data is taken from American Community Survey 2023. Please check our detailed page about Senior Statistics of Montana for more data and information.

Help for Seniors in Montana – 28 Assistance Programs

Montana has been known for its educational opportunities, outdoor activities particularly Yellowstone National Park, agriculture, and the high-technology sector. The cost of living is slightly lower than the national average in this state. Also, it is one of the tax-friendly states and population density is low. Even though there is a good dealt of nursing centers and Medicare units for the elderly, they still have other needs including housing, rent, utilities, and health support. Hence, the federal government, state authorities, and local organizations provide various programs and services for senior residents.

State Resources for Seniors

The Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) has a state unit on aging. This unit oversees and administers several programs aimed at giving seniors a better life. Unlike many other states where the elderly qualify for benefits from the age of 65, Montana begins to provide benefits for older residents from the age of 60. The state provides many resources for seniors, while also pointing in the direction of other useful resources not provided by the state itself. Seniors who are seeking assistance and information can visit

Financial Assistance

Emergency Solutions Grant Program is a federally funded program for homeless people in Montana. Anyone who is at the risk of losing their home or is already homeless can make connections with this program. The main goal of this program is to reduce homelessness. It is better to apply as quickly as possible because the funding of this program is limited. Find out more at

Salvation Army of Montana is one of the most efficient social organizations across Montana with various local offices. This organization offers to help with financial problems for low-income residents. Seniors who are looking for cash assistance may consult the Salvation Army of Montana. To see the nearest office to you, please click on In addition to the Salvation Army, each state has a large number of charitable non-profit organizations. Here are the top ten senior charities in the United States.

Seniors in Montana can receive financial assistance through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program. This is federal program provided by the Social Security Administration that helps seniors who financially challenged and in need of assistance. SSI benefits are issued monthly to eligible seniors to help them meet their basic needs, especially food, shelter and clothing. Eligibility for the program is usually determined by the income level and asset value of seniors who apply. Some exemptions are made for certain essential assets like an automobile, the home, etc. SSI benefits are available for seniors from the age of 65 years and above. For more details on SSI benefits and the guidelines, visit

Housing and Rent Assistance

The Montana Housing Voucher Program-Section 8 is a rent assistance program created by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Senior citizens who are facing financial problems and are not able to pay their rent are eligible for this benefit. Qualified applicants can decide the house, apartment, or flat which is compatible with the regulations of the program. Roughly 70 percent of the rent will be absorbed by the program and 30 percent will be paid by the accepted applicant. Their main requirements are the size and total revenue of the household. To see the application form, please visit or make a phone call at 800 761 6264.

Montana Public Housing was established and has been run by the Montana Department of Commerce for low and moderate-income households. The aim of this program is to provide decent, safe, and low-cost housing for everyone in need. Apart from providing temporary or permanent housing, it offers to help with mortgage payments and buying a home. Seniors who are searching for housing support can get in touch with this establishment. For more information, please go to or call 406 841 2840.

Montana Emergency Rental Assistance is a special program for those who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Especially older people who have financial difficulties caused by the pandemic are qualified for this program. Eligible candidates can have approximately $2,200 rent help each month. Besides, the program may help with the utilities and internet bills by providing an extra $350 for a household. To learn more, please click on the link or dial the toll-free number 800 761 6264.

Montana Down Payment Assistance Program was created and has been led by the Montana Department of Commerce for first-time homebuyers in Montana. Seniors who wish to have their first home but not able to cover all the economic costs by themselves are eligible for this program. This program prepares a reasonable mortgage payment plan for the accepted candidate based on her or his economic situation. Receivers can repay this mortgage in 30 years with a fixed rate. To read more and apply, follow the link or contact 406 841 2840.

Home Repair Grants

If a senior needs help with home repairs or rehabilitation, Home Repair Grants for Seniors are also available to qualified applicants.

Habitat for Humanity is a charity organization that helps the elderly residents of Montana with home repairs and renovations. Seniors can get assistance from the organization to make repairs after an inspection has been carried out. Habitat for Humanity usually provides the materials for renovation while volunteers come in to make the necessary repairs. In some cases, seniors may be asked to pay for the cost of the repair materials. Habitat for Humanity also provides affordable homes by building and selling homes at low prices to eligible seniors in the state. The housing program can help provide older citizens with a cheap housing option, rather than spending all their income on more expensive homes or ending up homeless. Seniors can visit for more details.

The Single Family Home Repair Loans and Grants Program provides resources to seniors to help them get their homes in safe order. Through the program, seniors over the age of 62 may be eligible for grant funding to make essential repairs to their homes, particularly getting rid of health and safety hazards around the home. Those who are below the age of 62 can obtain loans with a low interest rate and a long repayment period for home repairs and modifications. Details can be found at

Montana also offers a Reverse Annuity Mortgage Program. This allows seniors to take loans against the equity of their homes which they can use to carry out repairs on the home. The program is available to seniors aged 68 years and older, with loan amounts ranging from $15,000 to $150,000. For more information, visit

Healthcare Assistance

The State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) is funded by the Administration on Community Living for seniors who are having financial and health problems. It offers to counsel and provide information for seniors, their caregivers, and families. Seniors who have questions in their mind about their health or are not able to pay for their health-related bills can communicate with the SHIP. To learn more, please follow the link or call 1 800 551 3192.

Area Agencies on Aging Montana is a very comprehensive program that the federal government, state authorities, and local organizations work together to protect the senior citizens’ health and independence. This division has 10 offices throughout Montana. It provides information and assistance on legal and health-related issues. Its services include healthcare management, nutrition benefits, and support for family caregivers. All of the offices across Montana have different programs based on the needs of the county. To see the nearest office, please click the link or dial the toll-free helpline 800 551 3191.

Southwest Montana Community Health Center provides medical care to residents across different backgrounds. Comprehensive healthcare services are offered to carry out testing and treatment of individuals who come in for care. The health center accepts several insurance policies but also attends to patients who have no insurance. Patients who have income that falls below 200% of the federal poverty level can get discounts on care expenses through the sliding fee program. To determine if your household is below the poverty line, make use of the Federal Poverty Level Calculator. This program considers the income of patients and charges them based on their ability to pay. Assistance is also available for those who cannot afford to pay for their prescribed medication. More details can be gotten from

The Montana Medicaid Program is a special insurance program for low-income residents of the state. This program is designed to help financially challenged residents, including seniors, get access to proper healthcare services. Medicaid covers many medical procedures and is widely accepted across many hospitals in the state. Eligibility for Medicaid is determined by income considerations; however, exceptions may be made for seniors who exceed the income threshold for eligibility. Elderly Montana residents who wish to apply for Medicaid can visit

Help with Dental Care

Every day, the importance of oral health grows. Oral health is just as important as overall health, whether the senior can afford it or not. Visit Dental Grants in Montana to learn how seniors can get dental help.

RiverStone Health Dental Clinic provides dental care to people of all ages. The clinic is staffed by dentists completing their dental residency, under supervision of experienced dentists. RiverStone Clinic accepts Medicaid, and other forms of insurance. The Clinic also attends to seniors who have no insurance coverage for their dental care, providing treatment for them and helping them find payment solutions later on. Services offered include cleaning, filling, minor surgery, etc. RiverStone Health Dental Clinic also attends to emergency dental care needs of seniors. To get more information or schedule an appointment, visit

Shepherd’s Hand Free Clinic offers free dental care clinics on Monday evenings from 6pm. The Clinic treats acute dental pain and other issues, providing services like extraction, cleaning, lab tests, etc. Shepherd’s Hand also covers the cost of the medications prescribed to patients, giving them totally free dental care and allowing them save their resources to meet other pressing needs. Seniors who need care can visit for assistance.

Community Health Partners (CHP) is another organization that provides dental services to seniors. CHP is a nonprofit organization with experienced dental professionals who provide emergency and comprehensive care to those in need. CHP operates a walk-in clinic where seniors can come to without scheduling an appointment. This allows them get emergency care as soon as an oral health issue is noticed. Services at the walk-in clinic are provided on a first-come, first-serve basis. For comprehensive services, seniors can get oral exams, fluoride treatments, cleanings, exactions, fillings, etc. Dentures are also provided in some cases. Seniors can visit to find more information and get the address of the closest CHP location to them.

Utility Bills Assistance

Energy Share of Montana is a utility support program that is run by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality for low and moderate-income families. It offers cash assistance for utilities based on the economic condition of the applicant. Seniors who are having challenges paying their utility bills may apply for this program. To learn more, please see or contact 1 800 442 4900.

Flathead Electric Cooperative is a local electricity firm that provides utility support for low-income people. Older people who are not in a good position to pay their utilities may apply to this company. It gives a monthly credit for utility expenses. For more information, go to or contact the toll-free number 800 735 8489.

Financially Challenged Montana seniors can apply for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) to get help with their winter home energy costs. LIHEAP provides financial assistance in the form of credits applied to the accounts of seniors. This arrangement allows the funds to be paid directly to the utility companies. Furnace and heating emergencies can also be taken care of by LIHEAP. The program is particularly important in a state like Montana where the winters are extremely harsh, with low temperatures.

Similar to LIHEAP, the Low Income Home Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is another utility assistance program. However, LIHWAP helps settle water and sewer bills to prevent shutoffs. LIHWAP also provides funds for back payments and reconnection. In a rural state like Montana, access to flowing water is very important and LIHWAP ensures that the elderly constantly get access to this important resource. Both programs decide eligibility based on the income levels of applicants. Information on LIHEAP and LIHWAP in the state can be found at

The Lifeline Assistance Program helps seniors pay for phone services. Through Lifeline, elderly residents can get a discount on telephone subscriptions, allowing them to stay connected to the outside world. This is especially important for residents of Montana. Due to the low population density and rural areas, the nearest person may be miles away and beyond the reach of seniors in distress. Therefore, by helping the older residents get access to telephone communication, a sense of reassurance is given as help can be sought from afar off without fear of being locked in by immobility. More details are available at

Food Assistance

Nutrition is an essential factor in maintaining good health. This is especially true for older persons whose bodies require specific nutrients to maintain normal function.

Elderly Montanans with income below 130% of the federal poverty level can apply for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP). The Montana Commodity Supplemental Food Program was specifically designed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for seniors who are not able to cook for themselves or who do not have enough money to buy food. Adults who are 60 years old or older are eligible for this food benefit. Accepted candidates can have a monthly food box that contains fresh, healthy, and nutritious food based on their diet. The contents of the food boxes are not sufficient to last the entire month; rather, they are meant to serve as nutrition supplements to whatever foods the beneficiaries consume. The food boxes usually contain food items like milk, fruits, juices, canned meat, cereal, etc.To learn more, please visit or dial 800 551 3191.

The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) was formed by the USDA for low-income people who are 60 years of age or older. Qualified seniors with income that falls below 185% of the federal poverty level receive food coupons to buy fresh vegetables, fruits, and raw honey from the farmers’ markets.SFMNP provides a major nutrition boost for beneficiaries as the foods provided are fresh and unprocessed, having their optimum nutritional value. To apply for this benefit, please go to or contact 800 332 2272.

The Congregate Meals Program provides food for seniors in the state in group settings. These meals are provided in places where seniors can come together to receive food and socialize with each other, such as senior centers, nursing homes, churches, etc. There are about 170 congregate meal sites in the state, each reaching out to seniors within the area of coverage to ensure proper nutrition. The food provided is fresh and planned by a dietician to ensure that the best possible nutrition is obtained.

For elderly Montanans who are homebound and unable to get to congregate meal distribution centers, arrangements are made to provide them with Home Delivered Meals. Hot nutritious meals are delivered to the homes of seniors, providing them with essential food and nutrition for healthy living. Some food items may be delivered frozen or dried, but usually, minimal preparation is required to eat the food provided by the Home Delivered Meals program.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides monthly benefits which seniors can use to purchase food. Recipients of SNAP benefits receive an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card on to which their monthly benefits are loaded. This card can be used in authorized grocery stores and food sales locations to purchase approved food items for consumption. SNAP benefits often constitute a major part of the feeding budget of challenged seniors, helping them get access to a wide variety of food items. For more information, visit

More senior food programs are being established to make it easier for those in need to obtain nutritious food and meals.

Transportation Assistance

Medicaid Transportation Services are available to help Medicaid recipients get to and from doctors’ appointments. Approved trips receive funding to help transport the seniors to the required locations. Eligible seniors may also receive assistance to pay for meals and lodging for the duration of the medical visit (in case of extended visits). More information can be gotten from

Residents of Gallatin County can ride on the Streamline Bus. This bus operates on a fixed route schedule and provides free rides to seniors in the county. A para-transit service is also available, providing door-to-door services to seniors so they can get to appointments and other important events. Further details can be found at

Mountain Line operates buses on a zero-fare system, allowing seniors to connect with various parts of the Missoula area seamlessly. The buses are wheelchair accessible, along with other support systems to cater for seniors and passengers with reduced mobility. For more information on the Mountain Line zero-fare transit, visit

Charities and Organizations

Big Sky Senior Services is an organization that provides home care to seniors in Montana. Big Sky helps seniors maintain independence and age at home by providing them with assistive services around the home. Seniors who need assistance pay an amount that is decided based on their income. In turn, Big Sky staff come in and help with chores around the home like cleaning, cooking, pet care, laundry etc. Nursing services are also provided for seniors with health challenges. The ultimate goal is to allow seniors stay home for as long as possible so they can age with dignity. For a full list of available services, visit

Befriender Bozeman is a volunteer organization in the Bozeman area of the state that helps seniors to socialize with others. Volunteers are matched with a senior so that they can spend some time together each week, helping them out with chores, shopping, cleaning, or even just talking. The idea behind the program is the provision of a friendly and hospital environment where the elderly never feel alone. Services are provided for seniors who are aged 65 and above. For more details, visit

The Salvation Army is a major charity organization that offers assistance to challenged residents of Montana. With a wide network of support, Salvation Army reaches out to thousands of Montanans every year. The Services provided vary widely and include assistance with funds for utility and rent payment, provision of free food, shelters for the homeless, medical assistance, etc. Seniors who indicate need can receive many forms of help for the charity. Seniors can find the nearest Salvation Army office to them by visiting

Assistance for Senior Veterans

Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) is a program that helps prevent homelessness among veterans. This program helps veterans to locate affordable housing options, and supports them in the process of moving into these affordable options. SSVF provides financial support which can be used to pay for rent, utilities, security deposits, etc. Moving costs are also covered by the program so that veterans can transition into better housing with ease. More details can be obtained from

Veterans can also get assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). One of the key programs offered by the VA is home loans and grants. This program allows veterans to own their own home and not have to worry about ending up homeless. VA also issues other benefits to qualified veterans, helping them with parts of their living costs. For more programs offered by the VA to help veterans, visit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What financial assistance programs are available for seniors in Montana? Montana seniors can access financial aid through the Big Sky Rx Program for help with Medicare Part D premiums, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for utility bill assistance, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for food aid.

2. How can seniors apply for Medicaid in Montana? Seniors can apply for Medicaid in Montana online via the Montana Public Assistance Helpline or in person at local Office of Public Assistance (OPA) offices. Required documentation includes proof of age, income, residency, and assets.

3. What housing assistance is available for seniors in Montana? The Montana Housing Division provides the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program and has resources on affordable housing options for seniors. Additionally, there are programs for home repair and weatherization to help seniors maintain safe and energy-efficient homes.

4. Can seniors receive assistance with utility bills in Montana? Yes, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in Montana provides financial assistance to seniors struggling with their heating and utility bills, promoting comfort and safety throughout the year.

5. How do seniors get help with prescription medications in Montana? The Big Sky Rx Program offers financial assistance to cover Medicare Part D premiums for eligible seniors, helping reduce their overall prescription medication costs.