Grants for Seniors in Idaho

Key Senior Statistics in Idaho (65 and over)
Senior Population: 342,259 (17.4%) Senior Population: 342,259 (17.4%)
Male: 47.6% Male: 47.6%
Female: 52.4% Female: 52.4%
Median Age: 72.9 Median Age: 72.9
Disability: 32.9% Disability: 32.9%
With Social Security Income: 90.9% With Social Security Income: 90.9%
With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 5.2% With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 5.2%
Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 9.5% Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 9.5%
Data Source: Data Source:
Data is taken from American Community Survey 2023. Please check our detailed page about Senior Statistics of Idaho for more data and information.

Help for Seniors in Idaho – 23 Assistance Programs

Idaho has delightful landscapes and outstanding national parks. It has a smaller population compared to other states. This makes it one of the peaceful and comfortable places for senior citizens. Although the cost of living may not seem very low, it is one of the safest states. Besides, there are tax benefits for the elderly. Even though these features can be advantageous for seniors, some of them may need several services to rely on. There are a number of programs and services for seniors that are managed by the federal government, the state government, or social communities.

State Resources for Seniors

The state of Idaho provides many resources to help aged residents. Several programs are sponsored by the state and directly attend to the needs of elderly people. The Idaho Commision on Aging is the state body charged with administering and managing these programs. Links to other useful resources are also provided by the Commission, making senior living a little more comfortable. Seniors can visit the website of the Commission at

Financial Assistance

Seniors in Idaho may be eligible to apply for financial assistance through the Temporary Assistance for Families (TAFI) Program. This program provides some cash assistance to low-income families in the state, up to a maximum of $309 per month. The funds can either be received on to an existing bank account, or credited to an Electronic Benefits Transfer card. Eligibility is determined by income and value of assets owned by the applicant. Seniors can visit for more details and download an application form from

Another possible form of assistance available is the Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (AABD) cash assistance. This program provides a small cash payment each month for seniors over the age of 65 to help meet everyday expenses. The program is open to people who meet certain income restrictions or who are receiving Supplemental Security Income. For more information, visit

The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA). SSI provides financial aid to seniors in the form of monthly payments meant to be used to meet basic needs. The funding provided is available to seniors aged 65 or older and can be used to pay for food, clothes, and shelter. Seniors can get more details on SSI assistance at

Housing and Rent Assistance

Idaho Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program is financed by the federal government for low and moderate-income households. Older residents are one of the prioritized groups in this program. Eligible seniors can choose the apartment, flat, or house and can get monthly rent assistance. 70 percent of their rent is paid by this program. The financial condition and the size of the household are determinant factors for this benefit. For more information, please visit

Assistance Managing In-home Care Services are managed by the Idaho Commission on Aging. Seniors who need assistance with their housing, physical, social, or psychological needs may apply for these services. Eligible candidates receive a supportive services plan and assistance based on their needs. To learn more, go to or by phone at 208 334 3833.

Home Maintenance and Repair Assistance is sponsored by the state government with the intent of decreasing homelessness among seniors. Some of their services are installing wheelchair ramps, seasonal gardening, housekeeping, and other housing services. To apply, follow the link or call the toll-free number 1 877 421 2777. To find out more about extra aids for home improvements and repairs, refer to Home Repair Grants For Seniors for additional details.

Health Assistance

Creating Dementia-Capable Systems for Idaho is sponsored by the state government to improve the life of people who are suffering from dementia. Eligible seniors can receive caregivers at home or join training services with their families as they wish. For further information, please go to or make a call at 800 272 3900.

Idaho Aged and Disabled Medicaid Waiver are subsidized by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Seniors who are not able to pay their medical treatments or drug bills can apply for this waiver. It may cover various health expenses based on the applicant’s health and financial condition. People who are enrolled in SSI or SSDI are directly qualified for this assistance. Find out more at or dial 877 456 1233. Explore the range of Medicaid services offered to seniors aged 65 or above facing financial difficulties.

The Medicaid program provides low-cost healthcare to residents of Idaho. Special plans exist to cover the needs of elderly people in the state and help them get the right care at a manageable cost. Income and resource guidelines are used to determine eligibility for the Medicaid program, while those who wish to apply as seniors must be over the age of 65. Some services covered by Medicaid are behavioral management, skilled nursing, non-medical transportation, respite services, residential habitation, etc. Interested seniors can visit

The Marie Blanchard Friendship Clinic provides free medical care for uninsured residents of Idaho. The clinic is staffed by volunteer medical professionals who attend to the needs of patients without any fees or charges. A wide range of services are offered by the Marie Blanchard Friendship Clinic which include health assessments, treatment of ear infections, treatments of urinary tract infections, glucose monitoring, blood pressure screening, etc. Seniors who want to request medical assistance are required to provide a means of identification and proof of residency in Idaho, along with a proof of financials. More information is provided at

The Wellness Tree Clinic is another nonprofit organization that takes care of the healthcare needs of financially challenged seniors in Idaho. Seniors whose income falls at or below 300% of the federal poverty level and who lack insurance can receive free medical and dental care from the clinic. You can utilize the Federal Poverty Level Calculator to ascertain whether your household falls below the poverty line. Care is usually provided on a short-term basis while a long-term solution is sought out. Seniors can visit for more details.

Dental Grants and Benefits

Delta Dental of Idaho runs a special program aimed at providing dental care to senior residents of Idaho. The program, known as GrinWell for You provides low-income seniors with free dental care, based on their income levels. Seniors receive up to $1,850 worth of dental care in their first year and can then purchase subsidized dental care plans. When these dental plans are purchased, Delta Dental of Idaho pays over half of the premium. The program is open to seniors aged 60 years and older. To apply, seniors can visit to download a paper application.

Seniors over the age of 65 may qualify for dental care provided by Donated Dental Services (DDS). This is a care program staffed by dentists who volunteer their time and services to low-income residents. Free treatment is usually offered, although those who can pay may be asked to pay for a part of their care. Beneficiaries of DDS get matched with a dentist near their location and get an appointment date. Emergency services are not provided as there may be a waitlist to see an available dentist. Further details can be obtained from

Dental health can decline gradually, and even seniors with limited means or no ability to pay should not ignore it along with overall health. To find out about grants for dental care offered to seniors in Idaho, visit Dental Grants in Idaho.

Utility Bills Assistance

Idaho Telephone Service Assistance Program (ITSAP) is subsidized both by the cellular and wire line telephone companies and managed by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. Qualified people can receive monthly discounts on their telephone bills. Low-income seniors who cannot afford their phone bills may consider applying for this local program. To apply, please visit

Idaho Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is financed by the federal government for low and moderate-income households. Eligible seniors can apply and receive a monthly discount on their heating and electric expenses. LIHEAP may also offer training about energy efficiency and weatherization in case of need. For more information, go to

Apart from ITSAP and LIHEAP, there exist programs and services that can aid low and moderate-income seniors to help with paying bills.

Food Assistance

Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is directed by the Idaho Commission on Aging to provide meal services for elder residents. People who are 60 years of age or above can apply for this program. It offers monthly food bags that include healthy and nutritious food concerning the health condition of the participant. To access the application form, click on

Home Delivered Meal Program is led by the state authorities to assist hot, frozen, fresh, cold, dried, or cold meals for older residents who cannot afford food or cannot cook at home. The aim of this program is to make sure that seniors are healthy and perform their daily activities. It also provides courses about nutritious food and healthy eating habits with regard to their age. Applicants must be at 60 years old age or over. For more information

In Idaho, there are several congregate meal sites that serve nutritious and well-balanced meals to seniors. These meals are provided in a setting that promotes socialization, while also providing nutrition education to helps beneficiaries get the most of out the food they have available. Congregate meals are usually served at senior centers in various locations around the state. Seniors can visit for more details and a directory of congregate meal centers sorted by region.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) provides healthy food to low-income residents of Idaho, including seniors. Eligibility is determined by income level and beneficiaries are given an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. This card is used like a regular debit card to purchase approved food items from grocery stores. Every month, a certain amount is loaded onto the card for use by the seniors. As a complement to SNAP, certain farmer’s markets offer a 100% match up on EBT expenses. This is done through a program known as Double Up Food Bucks. The program allows seniors to get double the value of the amount provided on their EBT cards by providing a matching amount equal to what is being spent. This way, the food purchasing power is doubled. For more information on SNAP in Idaho and Double Up Food Bucks, visit

Transportation Assistance

The Reducing Isolation and Increasing Independence Program was created for the elderly who cannot drive or who do not have access to transportation. The mission of this program is to ensure that seniors can live independently and meet new people. This service is funded both by the local transportation owners and state government departments. Eligible seniors can use this transportation assistance to go to the medical or healthcare units, senior centers, food services, work, grocery shopping, and different social service agencies. You can read more at

Charities and Organizations

Catholic Charities of Idaho is an effective non-profit organization that runs to help low-income individuals. It offers Financial Wellness Services, particularly for low-income seniors. It provides financial assistance depending on the economic situation of the applicant. Besides, this establishment presents Future Financial Wellness Classes for adult residents for six weeks. For additional questions, click the link or make a phone call at 208 345 6031.

Saint Vincent De Paul is a local community establishment that is intended to provide food, clothing, furniture, financial assistance, housing support, and other household items for low and moderate-income people since the 1940s. Neighbors help each other by volunteering for these services. Seniors who need any of these services can consult this local organization. To read more, please go to

United Methodist Church runs across the state to serve low and moderate-income people. Apart from clothing and food support, this church provides shelter and cash assistance for people in need. Seniors may apply and learn more through the following link

ElderHelp is a charity based in north Idaho that renders assistance to seniors in the region in various forms. Seniors can get help with accessibility modifications (wheelchair ramps, handrails), minor home repairs, weatherization, smoke alarm systems, etc. from ElderHelp. All assistance is provided to help seniors live independently in their homes. Seniors in Idaho can visit for assistance.

Another organization that helps seniors in Idaho is Catholic Charities. Senior citizens can visit the organization for assistance with food, clothes, minor expenses. Financial assistance may be provided but this is subject to the availability of funding at the time. Counseling services are also offered by Catholic Charities. For more information, visit

The Salvation Army is an international charity organization that helps challenged persons around the world. Elderly residents of Idaho can seek help from the Salvation Army to alleviate some of the challenges they face. The Salvation Army runs a food pantry that dispenses food to those in need, helping them stay healthy and strong. Congregate meals are also offered, these can be eaten on site, unlike packed food that is taken home for preparation. Fresh food items are also available for purchase at Farmers Markets run by the Salvation Army. Elderly residents of Idaho can visit for further details.

Numerous other churches provide services and programs to support seniors in their vicinity. It’s advisable to contact nearby churches to discover the range of services and programs they offer.

Employment Assistance

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is for people who are 55 years of age or over and want to be part of the work environment. SCSEP particularly helps seniors getting a job. Unemployed and low-income people are eligible for this program in Idaho. After each eligible applicant is evaluated, SCSEP prepares an Individual Employment Plan (IEP). It may offer career training and skill improvement courses in case of need. Once SCSEP finds available work, participants work approximately twenty hours per week. To learn more, click on the following link

Grants for Senior Veterans

Veterans in Idaho can receive a grant of up to $1,000 to assist with urgent financial needs. Assistance must be requested within 90 days of encountering an emergency situation. Tax breaks are also provided to ease financial burden on veterans.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What financial assistance programs are available for seniors in Idaho? Idaho offers several financial assistance programs for seniors, including the Property Tax Reduction (Circuit Breaker) program, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for utility bill aid, and the Idaho Medicare Savings Programs to help with healthcare costs.

2. How can seniors in Idaho apply for Medicaid? Seniors can apply for Medicaid in Idaho through the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s online portal or by visiting a local office. The application process requires information on income, assets, residency, and citizenship.

3. Are there specific housing assistance programs for seniors in Idaho? The Idaho Housing and Finance Association (IHFA) offers rental assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program, as well as affordable housing options for seniors. The IHFA also provides information on senior apartments and housing developments.

4. Can seniors receive help with heating and utility bills in Idaho? Yes, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in Idaho provides financial assistance to help cover the cost of heating and utility bills during the winter months for eligible senior households.

5. How do seniors get assistance with prescription medication costs in Idaho? The Idaho Senior Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) offer guidance on Medicare, including Part D prescription drug plans. Seniors may also qualify for Extra Help, a federal program to assist with Medicare prescription drug costs.

6. What property tax relief options are available for seniors in Idaho? The Property Tax Reduction (Circuit Breaker) program in Idaho offers a reduction in property taxes for qualifying seniors based on income and other criteria. Applications must be submitted annually to the county assessor’s office.

7. What in-home care services can Idaho seniors access? The Idaho Commission on Aging oversees programs like the Medicaid Waiver for Home and Community-Based Services, offering in-home care, personal care services, and respite care for eligible seniors to help them remain living independently.

8. How can seniors access transportation services in Idaho? Many local Area Agencies on Aging in Idaho provide transportation services for seniors, offering rides to medical appointments, grocery stores, and senior centers. These services often require advance scheduling.

9. Are there nutritional programs designed for seniors in Idaho? The Senior Nutrition Program in Idaho provides congregate meals at local senior centers and home-delivered meals for homebound seniors, aiming to ensure seniors have access to nutritious meals and social interaction.

10. How can seniors in Idaho receive legal assistance? Legal assistance for Idaho seniors is available through Idaho Legal Aid Services, offering support on issues like healthcare, housing, consumer protection, and elder abuse. This service is often free for eligible seniors.