Grants for Seniors in Wyoming

Key Senior Statistics in Wyoming (65 and over)
Senior Population: 112,097 (19.2%) Senior Population: 112,097 (19.2%)
Male: 48.8% Male: 48.8%
Female: 51.2% Female: 51.2%
Median Age: 72.6 Median Age: 72.6
Disability: 33.3% Disability: 33.3%
With Social Security Income: 89.8% With Social Security Income: 89.8%
With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 2.7% With Food Stamp/SNAP Benefits: 2.7%
Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 7.4% Below 100% of the Poverty Level: 7.4%
Data Source: Data Source:
Data is taken from American Community Survey 2023. Please check our detailed page about Senior Statistics of Wyoming for more data and information.

Help for Seniors in Wyoming – 30 Assistance Programs

Wyoming, as the least populated state in the country, has been known for its Old Western culture and ranchers. Since the population density is low throughout the state, it has nice, quiet, and peaceful towns, particularly for older people. The fact that its cost of living being cheaper than the national average is very advantageous for retirees and it is a tax-friendly place for seniors. Although it presents great advantages, some seniors may need help to maintain a decent life. There are numerous services and programs available for senior residents that are offered by the State of Wyoming, the federal government, and local charity organizations.

State Assistance

Wyoming Department of Health – Aging Division is dedicated to offering services that ensure care, and safety. And promoting independence among older adults. Some of the division’s services include operating three senior living communities.

Supportive Services: The Aging Division offers supportive services to older adults to help them live high-quality lives in Wyoming. Some of the programs offer under Supportive Services include:

Title III-B Support Program: The purpose of this program is to support older adults 60+ by reducing their chance of being institutionalized. The goal of the program is to promote independent living among older adults. The program gives priority to the low-income, those from rural areas, the less proficient in English, and those belonging to minority groups. The program’s services include socialization, transportation, health services, and support services, including information and assistance. The program provides more services that are geared towards stabilizing the lives of seniors and letting them remain in their homes for as long as they can. More details about the program are available at

Financial Assistance

Catholic Charities of Wyoming is a highly efficient non-governmental organization that offers various programs and services for persons who require assistance since 2009. Elder people who need emergency monetary aid are qualified for this assistance. Besides cash assistance, Catholic Charities of Wyoming assists people with housing items, clothing, housekeeping, and sometimes caregiver. Find out more information at or make a phone call at 307 637 0554. Certain religious groups organize programs and services to assist older adults. For further information, refer to Churches that Help Seniors.

Salvation Army of Wyoming is a very efficient non-profit establishment that assists people with rent support, utility help, food assistance, medical support, and cash help. Seniors who need financial assistance are one of the priority groups for this organization. The amount of money is determined by the applicant’s case. Read more at or get in touch with 303 860 5472. Over time, numerous charitable organizations have emerged throughout the country. Here, we’ll have a glimpse at some of the most established ten charities that provide assistance to seniors.

Housing and Rent Assistance

Wyoming Housing Network is a local neighborhood organization that has been functioning since 2005. The main aim of this organization is to make sure that everyone in need can live in a nice, decent, and affordable house. Older people who are facing homelessness or need to find an affordable place are encouraged to consult this establishment. It has a good variety of affordable housing options. Apart from this main function, Wyoming Housing Network presents different housing counseling training programs including homebuyer education, foreclosure counseling, reverse mortgage counseling, rental counseling, and financial capability training. Explore more opportunities through the following link or by phone at 877 549 1402.

Wyoming Section 8-Housing Choice Voucher Program is the most known rent assistance program that was formed and has been financed by the federal authorities. It offers rent support for low and moderate-income individuals and families across the state. Seniors who are in financial hardship and looking for rent support are prioritized by this program. Eligible seniors are going to decide on the house, apartment, or the place which they want to live in. Roughly 70 percent of the rent will be covered by the program and the rest will be paid by the tenants. This is a very popular program, thus it is better to apply as soon as possible. For further information, please go to or contact 800 955 2232.

Wyoming Emergency Solutions Grant Program is a financial support program for people who cannot cover their housing expenses. It has been sponsored by the federal government and has been managed by the State of Wyoming. This program aims to reduce homelessness in the state. Thus, senior citizens who are at risk of becoming homeless or who are already homeless are urged to apply for this grant. The amount of the grant differs based on the applicant’s current income and social conditions. To learn more, please visit or dial 866 571 0944.

Emergency Rental Assistance (ERAP): ERAP is administered by the Wyoming Department of Family Services and offers funds to help seniors and older adults with disabilities through the Wyoming Department of Health’s Aging Division. The funds are given to the AGD to enable them to provide housing stability services to eligible seniors. The goal of the program funding is to help older adults remain in their homes as long as possible. The assistance is only available to seniors already approved for ERAP support, and they may receive the following services:

  • Home modification assistance. Seniors can receive up to $5,000 to help them age within their communities.
  • Mobile-trailer home repairs. The qualified elderly can receive up to $5,000 per grant period.
  • Homemaking services. Include help with chores, including cleaning services.
  • Personal care. Include skilled nursing services.
  • Non-medical transportation. Include help with transportation to attend medical appointments, visit hospital care facilities, pick prescription medication, and more.
  • Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
  • Life coaching to equip seniors and the disabled with money management and independent living skills. Hoarding services. Up to $5,000 for cleaning and acquiring mental health counseling.

For more information, please visit

Wyoming Homeowner Assistance Fund Program (HAF): HAF is there to support Wyoming elderly homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments, utility bills, or any other housing costs. Read more about the program at

Home Repair Assistance

As long as their living environment is secure, seniors can continue to live comfortably and happily in their own homes. They can also receive financial assistance through various programs that aid in home maintenance, in addition to housing and rent support. These resources can be found in the Home Repair Grants for Seniors.

USDA’s Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants in Wyoming: USDA’S Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants in Wyoming or Section 504 Home Repair Program offers low-income senior homeowners with home repair support through grants of up to $10,000. The grant money is used to remove health and safety hazards from the seniors’ homes. To qualify for the program support, one must be the homeowner, occupy the house, meet low-income limits, be at least 62, and not be able to acquire credit elsewhere. The grants must be repaid if the senior homeowners sell or change the ownership of the property within three years of receiving assistance. Approval for assistance depends on the availability of funds. Want to apply for home repair grants? USDA has home loan specialists to assist seniors through the application process. More information is available at

Habitat for Humanity: Habitat for Humanity offers support with emergency home repairs to help seniors make their homes more accessible and improve their safety. Visit for more information.

Cheyenne City Housing & Community Development Division (H&CD): H&CD administers the federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The purpose of CDBG is to help the most pressing community development needs of the locals, which includes housing. Only communities with less than 50,000 residents are eligible for the program assistance. The level of assistance depends on the size of the population and the number of low-income seniors in those areas. The City of Cheyenne has been receiving this grant since 1975. More information is available at

Property Improvement Loan Program (Title I): This program provides insurance to low-income senior lenders against losses they accrue on property improvement loans. The program is administered by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), which works to ensure that seniors can easily obtain funding for property improvement from private lenders. Property improvements eligible for assistance include light or moderate property rehabilitation and construction of nonresidential buildings on the property. Such loans may be insured for a maximum of 20 years through this program, and loans given cannot exceed $25,000 for single-family or improving the non-residential structure. Loan for multi-family units cannot exceed $12,000, and $60,000 for the structure. Note that these loans have fixed interest rates, and the lenders charge the market rates. Private lenders are insured against default for up 90% for a single loan. Visit for more information.

Healthcare Assistance

The Community Choices Home and Community Based Services Medicaid Waiver was specifically designed by the Wyoming Department of Health to help senior residents who want to live in their homes instead of a nursing home or a living unit. Eligible seniors can benefit from adult daycare, respite care, transportation service, housekeeping help, and more. The main purpose of this waiver is to make sure that seniors can continue to live independently at their homes. To learn more and to apply, please follow the link or make connections with 800 510 0280.

Wyoming State Health Insurance Information Program (WSHIIP) was created and has been led both by the federal government and the State of Wyoming for senior residents. Older people who are worried about their health and need to learn more about it can consult this program. The fundamental purpose of this program is to provide health-related information. People may learn more about Medicare, Medicaid, long-term care insurance, and other healthcare services that are available for them. For more information, please click the link or make a phone call to toll-free 800 856 6880.

Wyoming Medicaid: Wyoming Medicaid is a healthcare insurance program created to help seniors and disabled older adults pay for their medical bills. Through Medicaid, elderly residents may qualify for institutional programs, which are suitable for seniors waiting to join or are already residents of Long-Term Care institutions, like a nursing homes and inpatient hospital care. To qualify for such assistance, older adults must provide proof of U.S. citizenship, be Wyoming residents, aged 65+, disabled, or blind, be hospitalized for thirty days, have below 300% of the federal income guideline, and have resources at or below the maximum standard. For more information, please visit

Wyoming Health insurance Premium Payment (WHIPP) Program: WHIPP was created under the Social Security Act (Section 1902-1906) to help Wyoming Medicaid beneficiaries pay insurance premiums, deductibles, ad co-insurance. The availability of this program’s assistance depends on the status of the state funds and the Medicaid beneficiary’s medical needs. So the premiums, co-insurance, or deductible can be paid by Wyoming State if they’re cost-effective. By helping low-income adults pay their Medicaid premiums, the state allows them to continue receiving certain benefits at no cost to them. Apply here.

Medicare Savings Programs: Medicare Savings Programs are intended to help low-income Medicare beneficiaries pay their Medicare premiums, and maybe deductibles and co-insurance. They include Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) and Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary (SLMB). To qualify for assistance, seniors must be U.S. citizens, a resident of the state, have Medicare Part A and B, have income not exceeding 135% of the Federal Income Guideline, and have resources within the Maximum Resource Standard.

Oral health is deteriorating every day, and it should not be neglected as it is a crucial aspect of overall health, regardless of whether someone has a fixed income or financial constraints. To learn more about dental grants available to seniors, refer to Dental Grants in Wyoming.

Utility Bills Assistance

Energy Share of Wyoming was constituted and has been subsidized by local firms and people throughout the state. They all have been partnered up together to support individuals who are having a hard time paying their utility bills. It offers various amounts of discounts and financial assistance for eligible candidates. To see the application form, please follow the link or call 307 683 0551.

Rocky Mountain Power and Wyoming Energy Council are two important electricity companies in this state. They organize a merged utility support program for low and middle-income people. Seniors who are looking for financial support with their utility bills are encouraged to get in touch with these companies. Apart from providing discounts and cash support, eligible seniors may benefit from weatherization services and energy efficiency equipment at their homes. The link to their official website is as follows or give them a call at 888 221 7070.

Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP): LIEAP helps low-income seniors and older adults with disabilities in paying their heating bills. The heating assistance is only available in November through May, and the goal is to keep older adults away from harsh winters. The program also assists with energy-related emergencies, including disconnection from the energy source, heating loss due to spoilt equipment, and deposits. The eligibility for the program assistance is based on the size of the household, income, and the type of heating fuel seniors use.

Wyoming Weatherization Program: The purpose of the Wyoming Weatherization program is to help make homes of senior homeowners more energy efficient thereby reducing the cost they use towards heating or cooling. The program helps to make the necessary upgrades to defective energy systems, install new insulations, or repair and replace heating equipment. To qualify, one must meet the low-income, citizenship, and Wyoming residency requirements. More details are available at

Low-Income Home Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP): The purpose of LIHWAP is to offer funding to local government entities and organizations to help seniors and the elderly disabled pay their water and wastewater bills. Visit for more information.

Food Assistance

Wyoming Emergency Food Assistance Program partners up with the Food Bank of the Rockies to provide food assistance for residents across the state. Older people whose health is not good enough to cook for themselves and need meal support are prioritized by this program. Eligible seniors can receive monthly food boxes and home-delivered meals. These meals are prepared based on the applicant’s health condition. Seniors who need healthy and nutritious food find out more information at or by phone at 307 777 5878. In an effort to make it easier for those in need to obtain nourishing food and meals, an increasing number of senior food programs are being established nationwide.

Nutrition and Aging Resource Center: The Nutrition and Aging Resource Center are dedicated to building the capacity of nutrition programs financed by the Older Americans Act (OAA). The goal is to ensure that these programs offer quality nutrition services by putting their needs at the forefront when doing so. They also work with ACL and other various stakeholders to identify issues and new opportunities they could use to improve the program. The senior nutrition programs financed through the OAA are committed to reducing food insecurity, including hunger and malnutrition, among older adults in Wyoming. They also work to improve health, well-being, and socialization among seniors. Learn more about the organization at

Cent$ible Nutrition Program: The purpose of this program is to address the nutrition needs of older adults with limited resources in Wyoming. There are CNP educators who live amongst the residents throughout the state. These people offer free classes to teach seniors and their loved ones about living healthy lifestyles and also how to cook. CNP partners with other organizations in food pantries, gardens, and schools, among others. For more details, please visit

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): The purpose of SNAP is to offer monthly benefits to provide low-income seniors with the ability to buy the foods they need to age healthy and strong. Some households don’t entirely depend on SNAP, as it can only cover a small portion of their monthly food budgets. So, they have to use their own finances to purchase adequate food that would last them a whole month. Older adults can either apply through their local DFS office or apply for assistance online. Learn more about the program at

The Nutrition Program: The Nutrition Program offers hot nutritious meals that seniors need to live healthy lives. Older adults qualifying for the program assistance can get the meals at designated meal or senior sites. The meals can also be delivered to seniors’ homes if they are suffering from a sickness or disability burring them from getting to the meal sites. For more information, please visit

Transportation Assistance

Sweetwater County Transit Authority – The STAR Transit: STAR offers seniors aged over 60 free transportation services between Rock Springs and Green River, only during operational hours. The transit authority may schedule transportation services to other destinations within the county, but seniors in need of such services will have to call at least 24 hours in advance 307-382-7827. All the STAR vehicles are accessible to seniors using wheelchairs. Only residents of Sweetwater County are eligible for this service. More information is available at

Casper Area Transit: Operated by the City of Casper, Casper Area Transit offers door-to-door transportation services to low-income seniors and the elderly and disabled. To access the free rides, older adults must call in advance. Visit for more information.

The Hub on Smith – Goose Creek Transit: Goose Creek Transit offers door-to-door transportation services to seniors to get around Sheridan County every day. Visit for more details.

Charities and Nonprofits’ Assistance to Seniors

Wyoming CARES: Founded in 2001, Wyoming CARES is a nonprofit charitable agency dedicated to offering temporary assistance services to low-income seniors in need of medical and non-medical support. the organization source its funds through fundraising events, grants, foundations, private donations, and memorials. Clubs, organizations, and corporations. Visit for more details about the program.

Wyoming Community Foundation: Wyoming Community Foundation helps make the community a better place for seniors to be able to thrive. They do so by connecting people with causes that help build Wyoming for the better. The organization accepts a wide range of gifts, including cash, appreciated securities, and mineral interests to carry out its mission. Find out more at

Live Care Foundation: This organization recognizes the need to support seniors in need of daily care, but lacks the resources to afford to pay for them. from in-home care services to in-facility to memory care, Live Care Foundation is committed to ensuring every older adult in Wyoming receives the care they need to thrive. Visit for more information.

Wyoming Weatherization Services: Wyoming is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to offering weatherization assistance to senior residents in the state. Working with the State’s Weatherization Assistance Program, the organization’s goal is to improve energy efficiency in senior homes, as well as their comfort and safety. This in turn helps to reduce the cost of energy costs for low-income elderly homeowners. For more information, please visit

Assistance for Senior Veterans

Veterans Home of Wyoming: The Veterans of Wyoming is located in the spectacular foothills of the Bighorn Mountains, committed to serving the needs of senior veterans.

Wyoming Veterans Commission offers services to veterans and their families, including helping them obtain their federal benefits, VA disability, and pensions. Read more at

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is committed to offering patent care and federal benefits to veterans as well as their families. Visit for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What financial assistance programs are available for seniors in Wyoming? Wyoming seniors have access to the Wyoming Senior Citizens Tax Rebate for property tax relief, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) for help with utility bills, and the Wyoming State Health Insurance Information Program (WSHIIP) for Medicare counseling.

2. How can seniors apply for Medicaid in Wyoming? Medicaid applications in Wyoming can be submitted online through the Wyoming Department of Health’s website, by mail, or in person at local Department of Family Services offices. Required documentation includes proof of income, residency, age, and assets.

3. What housing assistance is available for seniors in Wyoming? The Wyoming Community Development Authority (WCDA) provides information on affordable housing for seniors and administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program for rental assistance.

4. Can seniors receive assistance with utility bills in Wyoming? Yes, the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) offers financial support to eligible seniors for heating and utility bills, promoting a safe and warm home environment.

5. How do seniors get help with prescription medications in Wyoming? The Wyoming Medication Donation Program helps seniors access needed prescription medications at no or low cost, supplementing Medicare Part D coverage.

6. Are there property tax relief programs for seniors in Wyoming? The Wyoming Senior Citizens Tax Rebate provides a rebate on property taxes paid by seniors, offering financial relief based on income and residency criteria.

7. What in-home care services can seniors access in Wyoming? Through the Wyoming Home Services Program, eligible seniors can receive in-home care services such as personal care, homemaking, and respite care, aiding their ability to live independently.

8. How can seniors access transportation services in Wyoming? Transportation services for seniors are available through local senior centers and public transit programs, offering essential rides for healthcare, shopping, and social engagements.

9. What nutritional programs support seniors in Wyoming? Wyoming offers congregate meals at senior centers and home-delivered meals through programs like Meals on Wheels, ensuring seniors receive nutritious meals and opportunities for socializing.

10. How can seniors in Wyoming receive legal assistance? Legal Aid of Wyoming provides free legal aid to seniors, addressing issues such as healthcare, housing, consumer protection, and advance planning, safeguarding their rights and interests.