Grants for Seniors in Phoenix
Programs for Seniors in Phoenix
Phoenix is one of the most affordable cities compared to other big cities. It is an ideal place to live for senior citizens who have a fixed income. Summers are hot but there are a lot of indoor and outdoor social activities for older citizens. Property taxes are low for senior residents in this city. Although Phoenix is a senior-friendly city, some elder residents may face financial challenges. There are several services and programs that are funded by the City of Phoenix, the federal government, and local charity organizations for low and moderate-income seniors.
Housing and Rent Assistance
Seniors Helping Seniors North Phoenix In-Home Care Services is a local initiative that was created by the seniors for the seniors. Through this organization, seniors across the city help each other out with housing assistance in the first place. Older people who need help to find an affordable, secure, and decent home, apartment, or flat can consult this organization. It also helps with the housing needs such as cleaning, repair, and more. Click the link to be part of this community at or by phone at 602 527 9821.
Senior Housing is a benefit that was created and has been sponsored by the Housing Department of the City of Phoenix. The main goal of this service is to provide decent, affordable, and secure houses for seniors and people with disabilities. It has plenty of apartments throughout the city. All of them are located near shopping centers, grocery stores, bus routes, parks, senior centers, pharmacies, and hospitals. Since these apartments are designed based on the changing needs of older people, it all has health support. Participants must be 62 years of age or above to be considered and there is a waiting list. It is better to apply as early as possible. Click the link to apply or give it a call at 602 262 6011.
Financial Assistance
The Phoenix Development Block Grant Program offers various funds and grants once a year. This program has been managed by the City of Phoenix and has been financed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for low and moderate-income residents. Older citizens who need financial support may take their chance to cover their rent, bills, or other expenses. The amount is determined based on the recipient’s current financial status. See more information at or by phone at 62 256 3378.
Health Assistance
Stepping Up for Seniors Phoenix is a non-governmental local organization that offers health assistance and much more for senior residents. The fundamental aim of this organization is to create a safe, optimistic, and encouraging environment for them. Its basic service is health care support on case by case assistance. Seniors who need medical equipment, medical services, or supplies are encouraged to get in touch with this organization. Apart from health care, eligible seniors may benefit from rental support, utility bill assistance, help with property taxes, counseling, transportation, and so on. The link to their official website is as follows or make a phone call at 480 588 4910.
Area Agency on Aging, Region One (Phoenix, AZ) is a non-profit establishment that prepares, organizes, and presents a great deal of programs for older citizens who are 60 years of age or older. The mission of this organization is to bring health care for senior residents who cannot afford their medical expenses. Some of their health assistance services are as follows:
- Long-Term Care Ombudsman: Sometimes it might be difficult to understand information or look after it. The trained staff in this service resolves the complaints of the residents who live in a care facility for a long time.
- 24 Hour Senior HELP Line: This is a great service for elder people who need someone out there to help them day or night. If you need medical information, assistance, or anything related to your health condition, this line is always there to help.
- Benefits Assistance Program-Medicare: If you do not have health insurance and do not know where to look at it. This program looks into it for you and finds the best option available based on your health and economic status.
- Adult Day Health Care: Adult people who need daily personal care are eligible for this service. Particularly persons with disabilities are priority groups.
- Health Promotion: It presents seminars and training to educate older people about health-related issues. This is important for seniors to improve their health with a professional approach.
- Elder Vention: Seniors who are living alone in their homes may feel lonely or isolated from the community. Thus, this vention promotes counseling, creates social support groups, and courses on various issues to bring people together.
- HIV Care Directions: This is a special service for individuals who are 18 years of age and older to inform them about HIV and help those who are already positive.
Besides these comprehensive services, Area Agency on Aging assists seniors in need with food assistance, legal support, and employment opportunities. Seniors who need any of these services can find more information at or make connections with the Help Line at 602 264 4357 or toll free at 888 783 7500. It also has a text line which is 520 775 1899 for people who are hard of hearing or deaf.
Utility Bills Support
The Senior Telephone Discount Program was created and has been financed by a local utility company CenturyLink. This is a special benefit for adults who are 60 years of age or older and need discounts or cash assistance to maintain their communication through the phone. To learn more about it, please go to or dial 1 800 244 1111.
Food Assistance
The Senior Center Congregate Meals Program was formed and has been subsidized by the City of Phoenix for low and middle-income individuals who cannot purchase nutritious and healthy food based on their diet. Eligible ones may go to one of the senior centers. There are 15 senior centers across the city. These centers do only serve food but also program many social activities, outdoor events, social services, and educational activities for older people. For further information, please visit or ll 602 262 7379.
The Home-Delivered Meals Program was constituted and has been led by the Area Agency on Agency Phoenix for everyone who is 60 years of age or above and needs food support. Seniors who are not able to cook for themselves or financially support it are qualified for this service. Qualified people will be receiving monthly food boxes based on their health conditions. Find out more information at or call the 24 Hour Senior Help-Line at 602 264 4357.
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