Grants for Seniors in Chicago
Programs for Seniors in Chicago
Chicago is one of the metropolitan cities as the third largest city in the country. It has all the advantages and the access of a metropolitan city with its diverse cultural life and rich history. Hence it might be expensive to live for some residents in this city. Particularly elder citizens who are in their golden years may have financial difficulties to afford their living expenses in this city. There are various programs and services available that are offered by the state offices, the federal government, and the local charity-based organizations for senior residents.
Housing and Rent Assistance
Affordable Chicago was created and has been managed by the city council of Chicago for low and moderate-income families and individuals. The main goal of this division is to make Chicago affordable for everyone. Various offices have different programs such as Emergency Services and Shelter, Crisis Intervention, Free Clinics, and Free Health Services, Housing Services, Help for Homebuyers, Tax Services, Support for Financial Hardship, and so on. The city council presents many opportunities and older people who are in financial crisis are prioritized by this division. Further information can be accessed by clicking on the following link or make a phone call at 312 744 5000.
The Chicago Housing Authority (CHA) provides rental housing opportunities for residents who are at risk of homelessness or who already are homeless. The main purpose of this authority is to ensure that everyone can live in a low-cost, safe, and decent house. Older people who are about to lose their homes or need rental assistance are qualified for this program. Waitlists are open and you can apply as soon as possible to get your spot in the line. To read more and to apply, please visit or by phone at 312 913 7400.
Benefits and Services for Chicago Residents age 60 and Better were specifically designed for senior residents who need help with energy assistance, housing support, financial help, transportation, health, legal, and many other supports. This service helps older people who do not know which program is best for them and how to apply it. All you need to do is to check out this website or make it call at 312 744 4016.
Housing Opportunities and Maintenance for the Elderly in Chicago is one of the most efficient non-governmental local establishments in this city. The main aim of this organization is to provide housing support services and housing assistance for older residents. Older people who need housing support are encouraged to get in touch with this organization. It offers a good deal of senior housing units that were specifically designed according to the changing needs of its tenants. Furthermore, seniors who need housing support services may contact this organization. Its services include home repairs such as installation of bathroom equipment, electrical, door locks, housekeeping, and more. The link to their official website is as follows give it a call at 773 921 3200.
Financial Assistance
Chicago Grants was formed and has been led by the City of Chicago to support people in need. This is a very efficient financial aid program and most residents benefit from these city grants. Older residents who need financial assistance are encouraged to apply for this program. The amount of the money may differ depending on the applicant’s current economic situation. For further information, please go to or dial 312 744 5000.
The Emergency Financial Hardship Program is a special program between an individual or business and the Chicago Department of Finance to decrease the taxes of the applicant. Senior citizens who need to reduce their taxes or older people who are going to start a new business but do need help with the taxes can benefit from this program. After an assessment procedure, the committee in the City of Chicago will decide on the applications. The mount and the length of the benefit may differ based on each special case. Read more at or contact 312 744 5000.
Health Assistance
Chicago Health and Wellness is one of the very efficient programs across the city for people who require health assistance. Seniors who need assistance for long-term personal care, housekeeping, personal care, information on their health issues, or financial support to cover their medical bills are encouraged to get in touch with this division. For further information, please visit or dial 312 744 5000.
Neighbourhood Housing Services of Chicago, Inc. is a non-profit neighborhood organization that was created to support low and middle-income families and individuals. Even though it assists people in housing needs with various programs, it gives special importance to the elder residents. Older people who both need health and housing support are urged to make connections with this establishment since it presents safe, low-cost, and senior friendly housing units. Most of these housing units have comprehensive health services for their residents. Eligible seniors may also benefit from its yearly grants. Every year a limited number of grants are offered for eligible candidates. To learn more about its services, please click the link or call 773 329 4111.
Utility Bills Support
Utility Billing Relief Program is a utility assistance program that was formed and has been sponsored by the city council for low and moderate-income residents. Older residents who are facing financial hardship and cannot afford their bills are qualified for this program. Recipients of this benefit will be receiving a certain amount of discounts on their utility bills and also may benefit from its services. These services are a reduced rate on water, water-sewer tax, and sewer, no late payment penalties, and debt forgiveness. The availability of these services may differ depending on the participants’ current economic status. For further information, please visit or call 312 744 5000.
Food Assistance
Congregate Dining Program (Golden Diners Program) was formed and has been financed by the City of Chicago specifically for older people. Adult people who are 60 years of age or older and need healthy and nutritious food are eligible to apply for this program. There are plenty of golden dining sites throughout the city. It is intended to create and make stronger relationships among the elderly and make sure they eat healthily. Beneficiaries of this program may go to these sites whenever they wish and have meals based on their personal preferences. Nutritious meals and social interactions help people to stay healthy, independent, and active. See the application form at or by phone at 312 744 5000.
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