Grants for Seniors in San Antonio

Programs for Seniors in San Antonio

San Antonio is one of the best cities to live in for older people in Texas. There is a good deal of outdoor activities, parks, restaurants, museums, and social events. It was ranked as one of the safest places and most residents have their own homes. However, San Antonio can be slightly more expensive than the other big cities. Therefore, several benefits and programs were formed by the federal authorities, the City of San Antonio, and local non-governmental organizations.

Housing and Rent Assistance

Catholic Worker House of San Antonio has been working in this city for a long time for low and moderate-income residents. It offers utility bill assistance, food support, clothing, and other benefits apart from housing assistance. The housing assistance of this establishment is comprehensive. Its main aim is to reduce homelessness across the city. It provides temporary or permanent apartments in its living units. Some beneficiaries may have security deposit assistance or forgivable mortgages for rent or housing expenses. For more information, please go to call the office number at 210 224 7736.

San Antonio Area Command of the Salvation Army is a non-profit organization that helps residents on various issues. Its main goal is to assist low-middle-income individuals who need rental assistance to avoid homelessness. Its main criterion is the current economic condition of the application. Seniors who need rent support are prioritized by this organization. It also promotes different educational classes for their beneficiaries. To learn more, please visit or make a phone call at 210 352 2000.

Bexar County Housing Authority is a local initiative that is intended to support low and moderate-income people who need emergency rental or housing support. Older people who face financial challenges and are not able to pay their rent are eligible for this authority. The amount and the length of the help differ based on each case. Find out more information at or dial 210 225 071.

Financial Assistance

San Antonio Senior Homeless Prevention Program was created and has been funded by the City of San Antonio for seniors who are in economic hardship. Adult people who are 60 years of age or older and in need of monetary aid are eligible for this program. The amount of the financial aid is determined depending on the housing needs and payments of the applicant. Its mission is to fight against homelessness across the city. The link to their official website is as follows or by phone at 210 321 5603.

St. Vincent De Paul of San Antonio is a local charity-based organization that provides monetary aid for rental and housing expenses. Older people who are in financial crisis are prioritized by this organization. Apart from this, it presents health support, emergency shelters, and food assistance for its recipients. Read more information at or give it a call at 210 225 7837.

Health Assistance

San Antonio Human Services is a department that was created by the City of San Antonio to create and run divergent programs for low and middle-income people. Adult residents who are 60 years of age or above and need health assistance, food support, basic health screenings, nutrition education, arts and crafts, transportation support, exercise training, and computer classes are urged to make connections with this department to find out the best available options for them. For further information or by phone at 1 210 207 8198.

Utility Bills Support

CPS Energy is a local utility company that has been helping people who are not able to pay their utility bills. It has been co-working with the Family Assistance Center to support families in need. Older people who are having a hard time paying their utility bills are one of the priority groups for this energy help. Qualified seniors will receive certain amounts of discounts or financial support for their bills. To see more information and to apply, please follow the link

Alamo Area Resource Center has been functioning since 1990 to assist homeless, disabled people, and persons who are having economic problems. This establishment presents several housing programs which are HOPWA Short term Rental, Utility Assistance (STRMU), Mortgage, Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA), and other housing needs. Seniors who need any of these services may get in touch with this organization. Accepted people will be receiving financial support or certain amounts of discounts on their utility bills. The link to their official website is as follows or call 210 625 7200.

Food Assistance

Bexar County Texas Senior Comprehensive Centers were founded and have been sponsored by the City of San Antonio for older persons. Adult persons who are 60 years of age or older and are not in a position to cook at home or buy it are qualified for this benefit. Eligible seniors and their spouses can visit these centers whenever they want and benefit from free meals, home-delivered food service, transportation assistance, social events, and so on. These seniors’ centers are most active with plenty of events for beneficiaries. Find out more information at or make connections with 1 210 748 9000.

San Antonio Senior Nutrition Program is one of the most popular food assistance programs across the city. It has been serving older people since 1977. Elder residents who need home-delivered daily hot, cold, and frozen meals are eligible for this benefit. The meals are prepared based on the applicants’ diet. The main aim of this program is to increase the well-being of the recipients and maintain their health. To learn more information and to apply, please go to or make a phone call at 210 207 7172.